Articles by Center for Media Freedom and Responsibility (CMFR)

Newspaper executive shot dead by motorcycle gunman
An unidentified gunman shot Alfredo “Dodong” Velarde Jr., the circulation manager for “Brigada News”, in front of the newspaper’s office in General Santos City.

Thirty-one IFEX members call on authorities to disclose whereabouts of journalist Dawit Isaak
After hearing rumours of the death of Dawit Isaak, an Swedish-Eritrean journalist held without charge for ten years, 31 members of IFEX are asking President Isaias Afewerki to confirm that he is still alive and if so, to release him from prison.

Seventy-seven civil society organisations call on UN to recognise importance of access to information and a free media to sustainable development
Prior to the UN summit of world leaders in Rio in June 2012 (Rio+20) to discuss the environment and sustainable development goals, 77 civil society organisations recommend the adoption of national laws on access to information, public participation and access to justice in the environment, a new UN convention on access to environmental information, and a UN Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).

Arson attack on church-owned radio station
Much of the equipment belonging to Catholic Media Nework station dzVT was destroyed in the blaze, and damages are estimated at approximately US$230,000.

Reporter alleges harassment by former anti-drugs chief
Rey Pasaporte reportedly received threats over a report about the former director’s alleged involvement in the release of a suspected drug lord.

Broadcaster’s daughter abducted
Journalist Louie Larroza of dyEC radio said his daughter’s abduction may have been a warning to stop his broadcasts on corruption and other illegal activities in the province.

Appellate court denies petition of alleged masterminds in Esperat case
For the media community, the decision represents a battle won in the war against the culture of impunity that has encouraged the continued killing of journalists.

Justice department creates new panel to reinvestigate murder of Palawan-based broadcaster
A panel previously created by the justice department dismissed the case against the alleged masterminds behind the murder of Gerardo Ortega.