Center for Media Studies & Peace Building (CEMESP)

Articles by Center for Media Studies & Peace Building (CEMESP)

Link to: Newspaper managing editor and reporter receive death threats; football club president threatens to have sports journalist flogged

Newspaper managing editor and reporter receive death threats; football club president threatens to have sports journalist flogged

(CEMESP/IFEX) – Moses Sonkarley, the managing editor of Liberia’s newest newspaper “The Renaissance”, and Nathaniel McClin, a reporter for the paper, have complained of threats against their lives following the publication of a front page story in the 10 September 2008 edition of the paper about an alleged coup plot against the government. Sonkarley told […]

Link to: Print journalists barred from main Senate chambers

Print journalists barred from main Senate chambers

(CEMESP/IFEX) – The Liberian Senate has moved to ban print journalists from having access to its main chambers. The move is said to be upon the recommendation of the Senate Committee on Rules, Order and Administration. According to a communication addressed to the Press Union of Liberia by some print journalists covering the Liberian Senate, […]

Link to: Senator’s brief seizure of journalist’s equipment sparks debate on reporters’ right to record informal discussions, arguments in senate

Senator’s brief seizure of journalist’s equipment sparks debate on reporters’ right to record informal discussions, arguments in senate

(CEMESP/IFEX) – On 25 August 2008, the recording equipment of journalist Julius Kanubah, of the independent radio station Star Radio in Monrovia, was temporarily seized by River Gee County Senator Fredrick Cherue. Cherue claimed that he seized the equipment in reaction to the recording of private discussions by journalists covering the Liberian Senate. The incident […]

Link to: The Perennial Tragedy of Democracy: Attacks on Freedom of Expression in Liberia

The Perennial Tragedy of Democracy: Attacks on Freedom of Expression in Liberia

The Perennial Tragedy of Democracy: Attacks on Freedom of Expression in Liberia

Link to: Two journalists detained briefly for taking photographs

Two journalists detained briefly for taking photographs

(CEMESP/IFEX) – Two Liberian journalists working for the “New Democrat” newspaper were arrested and detained for several hours on 16 June 2008 by officers of the Liberia National Police in Monrovia. According to the police, news editor Othello Garblah and staff writer Festus Porque were arrested at the request of the Monrovia Transit Authority for […]

Link to: New national free expression coalition launched on World Press Freedom Day

New national free expression coalition launched on World Press Freedom Day

(CEMESP/IFEX) – The following is a 6 May 2008 CEMESP press release: Freedom of Expression Coalition launched in Liberia CEMESP and four other freedom of expression advocacy groups in Liberia have come together under the banner of a coalition. The Liberia Coalition for Free Expression was launched in Monrovia on 3 May 2008 as part […]

Link to: Radio station in Monrovia stormed by legislator, others, angered by coverage

Radio station in Monrovia stormed by legislator, others, angered by coverage

(CEMESP/IFEX) – A member of the House of Representatives of Liberia led a number of unidentified individuals to storm the news department of Truth FM radio station in Monrovia on 1 May 2008, apparently in dissatisfaction over a report aired on the station. On the afternoon of 1 May, Truth FM quoted some women from […]

Link to: Three draft media laws advance through legislature; CEMESP urges their approval as World Press Freedom Day approaches

Three draft media laws advance through legislature; CEMESP urges their approval as World Press Freedom Day approaches

(CEMESP/IFEX) – On the occasion of World Press Freedom Day, CEMESP welcomes the introduction in the House of Representatives of three draft media laws, presented to that body on 17 April 2008 by a coalition of media and civil society organisations. Liberia’s House of Representatives introduced three draft Liberian media laws (An Act to Transform […]