Centro Nacional de Comunicación Social

Articles by Centro Nacional de Comunicación Social

Link to: Four IFEX members call for action on crimes against journalists

Four IFEX members call for action on crimes against journalists

(CENCOS/IFEX) – The following is a joint 14 February 2008 press release by AMARC-Mexico, ARTICLE 19-Mexico, CEPET, CENCOS and other organisations: Free expression organisations call for action on recent crimes against journalists So far in 2008, three journalists have been killed, one has gone into exile, and various have been attacked and threatened. There has […]

Link to: CENCOS and ARTICLE 19 urge protection for journalists in Veracruz state following attempted murder, threats

CENCOS and ARTICLE 19 urge protection for journalists in Veracruz state following attempted murder, threats

(ARTICLE 19/CENCOS/IFEX) – In an interview with Octavio Soto Torres, the founder-director of the weekly “Voces de Veracruz”, ARTICLE 19 and CENCOS obtained additional information on the 23 January 2008 attempted assassination of which the journalist was the victim. The attack took place when Soto Torres was driving through a remote area on his way […]

Link to: CPJ condemns one-day closed door trial of journalist charged with “subversion”

CPJ condemns one-day closed door trial of journalist charged with “subversion”

(CPJ/IFEX) – The following is a 22 January 2008 CPJ press release: Journalist tried on ‘subversion’ charges New York, January 22, 2008 – The Committee to Protect Journalists condemns the one-day closed-door trial of imprisoned journalist Lü Gengsong that took place today in Hangzhou, southeast China, and calls on the Chinese government to release him […]

Link to: Two reporters investigating construction irregularities assaulted

Two reporters investigating construction irregularities assaulted

(CENCOS/IFEX) – Reporter Efraín Núñez Calderón and photojournalist Ulises Ruiz Basurto, both of the Puebla-based newspaper “Cambio”, were assaulted on 9 January 2008 as they were investigating irregularities and delays in the construction of a hospital in the state capital. The assailants, who were at least six in number, were recognized by the journalists as […]

Link to: As accomplished radio journalist is taken off the air, CENCOS laments corporate media’s limiting of free expression

As accomplished radio journalist is taken off the air, CENCOS laments corporate media’s limiting of free expression

(CENCOS/IFEX) – The following is a 4 January 2008 CENCOS press release: Media group drops radio journalist due to “editorial incompatibility” Mexico City, 4 January 2008 – Journalist Carmen Aristegui has broadcast the last edition of her five-year-old programme “Hoy por Hoy” on W Radio. She was informed by the station’s management on 3 January […]

Link to: National human rights commission criticises flawed investigation into journalist’s murder

National human rights commission criticises flawed investigation into journalist’s murder

(CENCOS/IFEX) – More than a year after the 9 November 2006 disappearance of “Despertar de la Costa” newspaper owner-editor Misael Tamayo Hernández, whose body was found the day after he went missing from Zihuatanejo, in Guerrero state, the National Human Rights Commission (Comisión Nacional de los Derechos Humanos, CNDH) has directed a formal recommendation to […]

Link to: Five IFEX members condemn Supreme Court decision on Lydia Cacho case

Five IFEX members condemn Supreme Court decision on Lydia Cacho case

(CENCOS/IFEX) – The following is a 29 November 2007 joint statement by five IFEX members and other organizations and individuals: National and international pronouncement Lydia Cacho case The Supreme Court’s decision violates human rights and freedom of expression in Mexico In a plenary session, the Supreme Court has concluded that there is not sufficient evidence […]

Link to: Journalists from cultural publication accosted, one of them brutally beaten by police officers in Cuernavaca

Journalists from cultural publication accosted, one of them brutally beaten by police officers in Cuernavaca

(CENCOS/IFEX) – The following is a 1 November 2007 CENCOS press release: Police officers accost two “El Perro Azul” journalists in Cuernavaca, Morelos Mexico D.F., 1 November 2007 – During the weekend of 27-28 October 2007, journalists Óscar López and Ariel Ramírez Arrieta, of the cultural publication “El Perro Azul”, were abusively treated by members […]