Comité por la Libre Expresión – C-Libre

Articles by Comité por la Libre Expresión – C-Libre

Link to: Situation worsening according to ARTICLE 19 and C-Libre’s UPR submission

Situation worsening according to ARTICLE 19 and C-Libre’s UPR submission

The submission highlights the continuing deterioration of freedom of expression in the country as evidenced by the violent targeting of the media and the political opposition.

Link to: Canal 40 journalist followed, threatened

Canal 40 journalist followed, threatened

Journalist Ricardo Emilio Oviedo Reyes said that since the 28 June 2009 coup d’état he has been followed by two people.

Link to: Judge rules that closure of media outlets did not violate free expression

Judge rules that closure of media outlets did not violate free expression

Judge Martha Murillo ordered a “definitive stay of proceedings” in the case against the former president of the National Telecommunications Commission (CONATEL).

Link to: IFEX members in Latin America and the Caribbean outline key challenges to freedom of expression in the region

IFEX members in Latin America and the Caribbean outline key challenges to freedom of expression in the region

Thirteen IFEX members in Latin America and the Caribbean endorse the joint statement issued in February 2010 by the Special Rapporteurs on Freedom of Expression.

Link to: Two more journalists shot and killed

Two more journalists shot and killed

The car that José Bayardo Mairena Ramírez and Manuel Juárez were travelling in was shot at 21 times.

via Index On Censorship

UN Human Rights Council: 40 IFEX members reject “defamation of religions” resolutions

In a joint submission to the UN Human Rights Council, 40 IFEX members protest resolutions on defamation of religion and the proposed elaboration of complementary standards to the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination.

Link to: Thirty-one IFEX members and 22 other organisations call on UN High Commissioner to support human rights activists, journalists and bloggers

Thirty-one IFEX members and 22 other organisations call on UN High Commissioner to support human rights activists, journalists and bloggers

Rights groups appeal to UN High Commissioner for Human Rights to take up cases of free expression violations targetting Bahraini journalists, bloggers and human rights defenders in an upcoming visit to the country.

Link to: Another journalist killed in Honduras

Another journalist killed in Honduras

Nahúm Palacios Artiaga is the third journalist to be killed in two weeks.