Comité por la Libre Expresión – C-Libre

Articles by Comité por la Libre Expresión – C-Libre

Link to: Twenty-three IFEX members and other organisations raise concerns about proposed mechanisms to combat racial intolerance

Twenty-three IFEX members and other organisations raise concerns about proposed mechanisms to combat racial intolerance

23 IFEX members and other organisations call for the defeat of proposed legal mechanisms and say that attempts to address racial or religious hatred should conform to standards of international law.

Link to: Suspension of constitutional guarantees continues; order to cancel broadcast licences sent for publication in official gazette

Suspension of constitutional guarantees continues; order to cancel broadcast licences sent for publication in official gazette

Eight days after de facto president Roberto Micheletti announced the lifting of a decree suspending constitutional guarantees, the decision still has not been published in the official gazette.

Link to: Repeal of emergency decree a sham, says C-Libre, as three media outlets remain off the air

Repeal of emergency decree a sham, says C-Libre, as three media outlets remain off the air

Four days after an announcement repealing a decree that suspended constitutional rights, media outlets Radio Globo, Radio La Catracha and Canal 36 remain off the air.

Link to: National Telecommunications Commission attempts to interfere in Sustainable Development Network’s activities

National Telecommunications Commission attempts to interfere in Sustainable Development Network’s activities

The Sustainable Development Network has reported that CONATEL personnel have threatened to investigate its activities.

Link to: De facto government’s decree suspends constitutional guarantees, further compromises media

De facto government’s decree suspends constitutional guarantees, further compromises media

A decree issued by the de facto government has suspended the constitutional guarantees of freedom of expression, free movement and freedom of assembly for 45 days.

Link to: Television journalist reports that she was assaulted, threatened by members of group that opposes the coup d’état

Television journalist reports that she was assaulted, threatened by members of group that opposes the coup d’état

The journalist said that not only was she verbally and physically assaulted, but her assailants also threatened to rape her if they came across her alone somewhere else.

Link to: Television and radio station signals intercepted; radio station shut down for one day after reporting on resistance to the coup

Television and radio station signals intercepted; radio station shut down for one day after reporting on resistance to the coup

Since the return of ousted president Manuel Zelaya Rosales to the country, the de facto government of Roberto Micheletti has tried to maintain a stranglehold on the media.

Uganda President Yoweri Museveni , MI

Thirty-one IFEX members call on President Museveni to lift the ban on the four radio stations and address the state of free expression

Condemning the shut-down of four radio stations and a violent crackdown on members of the press during a period recent social unrest, 31 IFEX members call on President Museveni to guard free expression rights.