Comité por la Libre Expresión – C-Libre

Articles by Comité por la Libre Expresión – C-Libre

Link to: Honduran journalist beaten with wooden bat

Honduran journalist beaten with wooden bat

Honduran journalist Joel Coca says that on 16 July 2013, the day before he was attacked, he discussed a case of corruption and abuses at a local factory on his programme.

Link to: Honduran reporter threatened with same fate as murdered colleague

Honduran reporter threatened with same fate as murdered colleague

Journalist Mario Castro has received text messages threatening him with the same fate as his colleague and friend, Aníbal Barrow, who was kidnapped, killed and dismembered in the city of San Pedro Sula, Honduras.

Link to: Body of kidnapped journalist found in Honduras

Body of kidnapped journalist found in Honduras

Honduras’s chief federal public prosecutor, Roberto Ramírez Aldana, confirmed 10 July 2013 that the dismembered body found in Siboney lake in Villanueva, Cortes, is that of journalist Aníbal Barrow, who was kidnapped on 24 June.

Link to: Anonymous threat silences Honduran reporter

Anonymous threat silences Honduran reporter

Rubén Quiroz, a police beat reporter in the city of San Pedro Sula, has abandoned reporting on a gang-related story after receiving a threatening call in relation with the story.

Link to: Unknown assailants kidnap well-known Honduran journalist

Unknown assailants kidnap well-known Honduran journalist

In the city of San Pedro Sula, Cortés department, on 24 June 2013, unknown assailants kidnapped journalist and university professor Aníbal Barrow, host of the news programme “Aníbal Barrow y nada más” (“Aníbal Barrow and nothing more”), broadcast on Globo TV from 7 to 8 a.m. Monday to Friday.

Link to: Journalists targeted in gunfire in northern Honduras

Journalists targeted in gunfire in northern Honduras

Journalist Ramón Maldonado and camaraman Daniel Sánchez from Canal Litoral Atlántico, in the city of La Ceiba, Atlántida department, escaped unharmed from a firearms attack by an unidentified suspect riding a motorcycle.

Link to: Director of Honduran free expression NGO warned of plot against him

Director of Honduran free expression NGO warned of plot against him

The Committee for Free Expression (C-Libre) reports that its executive director, Héctor Longino Becerra, received death threats on Saturday 20 April 2013, by phone, in which the caller told Becerra that there was a plan to have him killed.

Link to: Honduran radio journalist constantly threatened for his reporting

Honduran radio journalist constantly threatened for his reporting

Radio journalist Leonel García has reported receiving death threats related to his critical reporting and the fact that he provides an opportunity for citizens to voice their concerns on his programmes.