Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF)

Articles by Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF)

How EFF and other NGO community leaders saved .ORG

Nonprofits and NGOs around the world were stunned last November when the Internet Society (ISOC) announced that it had agreed to sell the Public Interest Registry – the organization that manages the .ORG top-level domain (TLD) – to private equity firm Ethos Capital. The NGO community sprung to action, writing a letter to ISOC urging it to stop the sale.

Vaccine passports: A stamp of inequity

“We must make sure that, in our scramble to reopen the economy, we do not overlook inequity of access to the vaccine; … and the potential that today’s vaccine passport will act as a catalyst toward tomorrow’s system of national digital identification that can be used to systematically collect and store our personal information.”

Open letter to Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube: Stop silencing critical voices from the Middle East and North Africa

On the 10th anniversary of the Arab Spring, activists, journalists, and rights organizations voice frustration and dismay at how platform policies and content moderation procedures all too often lead to the silencing and erasure of critical voices from marginalized and oppressed communities across the region.

Law enforcement purchasing commercially-available geolocation data is unconstitutional

Many of the smartphone apps people use every day are collecting data on their users and, in order to make money, many of these apps sell that information. One of the customers for this data is the U.S. government, which regularly purchases commercially available geolocation data.

Egypt: NGOs call on authorities to release leaders of the Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights

As authorities escalate their crackdown on human rights defenders and civil society organisations, rights groups call for the immediate release of detained members of the Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights (EIPR), and an end to the persecution of Egyptian civil society.

EFF urges Federal Appeals Court to rehear case involving unconstitutional Baltimore aerial surveillance program

EFF urged the full U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit to reconsider a split three-judge panel’s ruling that the Baltimore Police Department’s aerial surveillance of the city’s more than half a million residents is constitutional.

Visa wants to buy Plaid, and with it, transaction data for millions of people

Visa, the credit card network, is trying to buy financial technology company Plaid for $5.3 billion. The merger is bad for a number of reasons.

Introducing Cover your Tracks! EFF’s online privacy tool

Cover Your Tracks is about giving users the tools to fight back against the trackers, and improve the web ecosystem to provide privacy for everyone.