Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF)

Articles by Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF)

Google must end censored search engine Project Dragonfly

60 rights groups are joining Google employees in calling for termination of Project Dragonfly, a censorship and surveillance equipped search engine in development for use in China.

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg before the start of the Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee and Senate Judiciary Committee joint hearing on 'Facebook, Social Media Privacy, and the Use and Abuse of Data', Washington, D.C., 10 April 2018, Bill Clark/CQ Roll Call

New documents show that Facebook has never deserved your trust

A collection of newly released documents suggests that the company adopted a host of features and policies even though it knew those choices would harm users and undermine innovation.

Mark Zuckerberg, Founder and CEO of Facebook., Guillaume Paumier, CC-BY.

88 rights groups call for Facebook to implement appeals process for removed content

An open letter to Mark Zuckerberg from 88 rights groups is calling for a transparent appeal process for user content that is restricted on Facebook.

Protestors from the pressure group Avaaz demonstrate outside Portcullis house where Facebook's Chief Technology Officer Mike Schroepfer was to be questioned by members of parliament in London, UK, 26 April 2018, DANIEL LEAL-OLIVAS/AFP/Getty Images

You gave Facebook your number for security. They used it for ads

Contrary to user expectations and Facebook representatives’ own previous statements, the company has been using contact information that users explicitly provided for security purposes – or that users never provided at all – for targeted advertising.

A man walking by an ATM, in Barcelona, Spain, 17 May 2017, Joan Cros Garcia/Corbis via Getty Images

EFF to court: The First Amendment protects criticism of patent trolls

EFF has submitted an amicus brief to the New Hampshire Supreme Court asking it to affirm a lower court ruling that found criticism of a patent owner was not defamatory.

A sign at The Glass Room, a pop-up exhibit, presented by Mozilla and curated by the Tactical Technology Collective, New York, United States, 2016, Rhododendrites / Wikimedia Commons

Between You, Me, and Google: Problems With Gmail’s “Confidential Mode”

“At worst, Confidential Mode will push users further into Google’s own walled garden while giving them what we believe are misleading assurances of privacy and security.”

A woman uses her phone in front of a Verizon Store, one of several telecom companies police could force to disclose customer location and data under the Kelsey Smith Act, New York, United States, 2013, Andrew Burton/Getty Images

Undermining Mobile Phone Users’ Privacy Won’t Make Us Safer

The Kelsey Smith Act Would Force Cell Providers to Turn Private User Data Over to Law Enforcement

A 3D facial recognition program is demonstrated during the Biometrics 2004 exhibition and conference in London, UK, 14 October 2004, Ian Waldie/Getty Images

Homeland Security’s new database could chill speech, deter free association

The massive new database will include biometric and biographic records, alongside information about people’s private relationships. So why do we know so little about it?