Articles by Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF)

UAE: Free prominent rights defender Ahmed Mansoor held on speech-related charges
91 NGOs call on UAE to immediately and unconditionally release award-winning human rights defender Ahmed Mansoor

Repealing broadband privacy rules, U.S. Congress sides with cable and phone industry
The U.S. Congress has voted to erase landmark broadband privacy protections. It means that companies will have free rein to hijack user searches, sell their data, and hammer them with unwanted advertisements.

Civil society organisations condemn Mexican government surveillance of human rights defenders
Recent targeted attacks with surveillance malware are related to the victims’ activities in defense of public health, particularly advocating for a soda tax and criticising deficient food labeling regulations.

The not so transparent reasons for Trump’s TPP withdrawal
Yes, he withdrew from the TPP. But his reasons for doing so may mean future trade deals will be just as problematic.

The not so transparent reasons for Trump’s TPP withdrawal
Yes, he withdrew from the TPP. But his reasons for doing so may mean future trade deals will be just as problematic.

Chelsea Manning to be released 28 years early
In his last week in office, President Obama commuted the 35-year sentence of military whistleblower Chelsea Manning, who will be released in 2017.

Obama expands surveillance powers on his way out
With mere days left before Donald Trump takes the White House, Obama’s administration finalized rules to make it easier for intelligence agencies to share unfiltered information about innocent people.

Obama expands surveillance powers on his way out
With mere days left before Donald Trump takes the White House, Obama’s administration finalized rules to make it easier for intelligence agencies to share unfiltered information about innocent people.