Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF)

Articles by Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF)


New report maps legal threats to free expression in the Arab world

A study of four countries in the Arab world: Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and Tunisia. Each has faced an increased threat of terrorist activity in recent years, and to varying degrees, each has responded by cracking down on online speech.

Link to: Victory: Battle against California smartphone anti-encryption bill is over

Victory: Battle against California smartphone anti-encryption bill is over

The bill would have forced companies to dedicate resources to finding ways to defeat their own encryption or insert backdoors to facilitate decryption. As a result, the bill would have essentially prohibited companies from offering full disk encryption for their phones.

Shokjang (right), with fellow writer Therang.

Free imprisoned blogger Shokjang, civil society groups tell Chinese authorities

Critical blogging is the lifeblood of free societies, not a threat to social stability, say rights groups.

Link to: FBI breaks into iPhone without Apple’s help

FBI breaks into iPhone without Apple’s help

The new method of accessing the iPhone raises questions about the government’s apparent use of security vulnerabilities in iOS and whether it will inform Apple about these vulnerabilities.

Link to: Good news for now: Court postpones hearing in Apple v. FBI

Good news for now: Court postpones hearing in Apple v. FBI

For now, the government is backing off its demand that Apple build a tool that will compromise the security of millions, contradicts Apple’s own beliefs, and is unsafe and unconstitutional.

Jeso Carneiro via Flickr

The next front in the new crypto wars: WhatsApp

According to the New York Times, the Department of Justice is locked in a “prolonged standoff” with WhatsApp. The story may represent a disturbing preview of the next front in the FBI’s war against encryption.

#FreeBassel campaign in Holland, Flickr/Kennisland

Four years after his arrest, NGOs ask: Where is Syrian activist Bassel Khartabil?

Since his detention, many human rights groups have campaigned for his release. On 21 April 2015, the United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention declared his detention a violation of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, and called for his release, yet the Syrian authorities refuse to free him.


The Foilies 2016: Awards for the worst in government responses to public records requests

March 13-19 is Sunshine Week, when open government activists around the country make noise about the need to reform laws on access to information. EFF created “The Foilies,” name-and-shame awards for agencies and officials who stand in the way of transparency and accountability.