Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF)

Articles by Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF)

Link to: Ashley Madison’s owners give in to temptation to misuse U.S. copyright law

Ashley Madison’s owners give in to temptation to misuse U.S. copyright law

Ashley Madison’s owners have been sending numerous takedown notices to platforms like Twitter, Reddit, and others in an attempt to stop the dissemination of millions of names and email addresses of the site’s users.

An employee adjusts manga comics at a bookstore in Tokyo, 23 June 2014, REUTERS/Yuya Shino

Japan and U.S. align on TPP provisions that harm Japanese creators

Japan’s entry into the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) will see a wide range of changes sweeping the economy and the community. These include copyright changes, which unlike in many other TPP countries have sparked national attention.

Link to: Malaysia doesn’t need another 20 years of copyright, says CEO of software firm

Malaysia doesn’t need another 20 years of copyright, says CEO of software firm

The extension of copyright duration offers nothing but additional costs and complications for Malaysian content creators and technology innovators who do not wish to see their creativity stifled by additional copyright barriers erected all around them.

“Iconoclastic” news site facing censorship in Sri Lanka

Eight international freedom of expression groups have called for an investigation into the illegal blocking of online access to the “Colombo Telegraph”.

Checking a PhamChecking a Braille press plate for a magazine for the blind in magazine in Hanoi, Vietnam, October 2014, REUTERS/Kham

Proposed trade agreement threatens accessibility for people with disabilities

The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) threatens all users’ ability to access information and participate in culture and innovation online, but it’s especially severe for those with disabilities or who otherwise depend on content in accessible formats.

Malaysian plainclothes police carry a computer from the 1MDB office after a raid in Kuala Lumpur, 8 July 2015. Six bank accounts were frozen as part of an investigation into allegations that funds were transferred from a state investment fund to the personal accounts of PM Najib, AP Photo/Joshua Paul

With blocking of U.K. website, Malaysia drops the pretense of not censoring the Internet

This is the first time Malaysia has publicly acknowledged blocking a political website, and it is particularly notable because the case strikes at the heart of political corruption within the country.


Buenos Aires censors and raids the technologists fixing its flawed e-voting system

Instead of addressing the flaws or postponing deployment of a controversial e-voting system, the Buenos Aires authorities have chosen instead to silence and intimidate critics of the system’s unfixed problems.

REUTERS/Dado Ruvic

The Harmful Digital Communications Act: Harmful to everyone except online harassers

From private disagreements to a viral video of police brutality, a whistleblower’s leak or a heartfelt political call to arms: if the full spectrum of human expression happens to be expressed online, the HDC Act applies.