Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF)

Articles by Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF)

Screen grab of Hacking Team promotional video

Latin American groups condemn use of Hacking Team software

EFF, Derechos Digitales and their colleagues in the region have issued a statement to Latin American governments, demanding more transparency on how Latin American states are using — or misusing — spyware like that sold by Hacking Team.

A man walks with the aid of a crutch past damaged buildings in the old city of Aleppo June 27, 2015, REUTERS/Abdalrhman Ismail

Research shows Internet shutdowns and state violence go hand in hand in Syria

EFF spoke to researcher Anita Gohde about the implications of her findings, which suggest that Internet shutdowns are becoming part of a toolkit for more violent repression in Syria.

Link to: Iran is still imprisoning netizens and blocking sites after two years of ‘reform’

Iran is still imprisoning netizens and blocking sites after two years of ‘reform’

As Hassan Rouhani approaches the second anniversary of his election to the presidency on August 4, the promise of future reform remains unfulfilled.

Link to: Users betrayed as Australia adopts a copyright censorship regime

Users betrayed as Australia adopts a copyright censorship regime

Australia’s new Internet censorship law provides an accelerated process for rightsholders to obtain court orders for ISPs to block sites that have the primary purpose of infringing copyright, or “facilitating” its infringement – a term that the law does not define.


Who has your back? The 2015 Edition

Google, Facebook, Amazon and beyond… The Electronic Frontier Foundation’s fifth annual report looks at online service providers’ privacy and transparency practices.

Link to: Facebook fails censorship test for omitting U.S. government request information

Facebook fails censorship test for omitting U.S. government request information

Information on U.S. government takedown requests missing from Facebook’s Government Request Report. EFF urges Facebook to publish the data and show U.S. government agencies that censorship shouldn’t happen in the dark.


Turning the tide against online spying in Paraguay

On 4 June the Paraguayan Senate defeated a mandatory data retention bill that would have compelled local ISPs to retain communications and location details of every user for a period of 12 months.

Link to: TISA: Yet another leaked treaty you’ve never heard of makes secret rules for the Internet

TISA: Yet another leaked treaty you’ve never heard of makes secret rules for the Internet

Like its sister agreements, TISA will enact global rules that impact the Internet, bypassing the transparency and accountability of national parliaments. The only difference is that its focus is on services, not goods.