Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF)

Articles by Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF)

Link to: The White House gets it right on net neutrality

The White House gets it right on net neutrality

President Barack Obama has called on the Federal Communications Commission to develop new “net neutrality” rules and establish the legal authority it needs to support those rules by reclassifying broadband service as a “telecommunications service.”


Who has your back? Which service providers side with users in IP disputes?

The EFF released a new report and scorecard that shows what online service providers are doing to protect users from baseless copyright and trademark complaints.

Link to: Police in U.S. need to obey Facebook’s rules by ending collection of user data

Police in U.S. need to obey Facebook’s rules by ending collection of user data

The Electronic Frontier Foundation is asking Facebook to spell out, in no uncertain language, that the terms that apply to regular users apply to government agencies as well, including law enforcement.


Life of Vietnamese activist in danger due to gross mistreatment in prison

The Vietnamese government should immediately cease the ill-treatment, physical and psychological abuse of Dang Xuan Dieu while in arbitrary detention. The activist, who is currently serving one of the longest politically motivated sentences in Vietnam, has been held in solitary confinement and subject to physical and psychological abuse.

REUTERS/Francois Lenoir

EU-US trade negotiations continue shutting out the public – when will they learn?

EU and US trade officials still have not learned the more important lesson from ACTA – shutting out the public from seeing or participating in a given policymaking venue only guarantees that the public will see those resulting policies as illegitimate.


Facebook increases its tracking reach, users have little choice in matter

Facebook expanded its ever-growing advertising and tracking reach this week with new integration between the giant social network and Atlas, an advertising platform. The company now lets advertisers target you across all of your devices.

Link to: Dubious “internet safety software” distributed by hundreds of police agencies in U.S.

Dubious “internet safety software” distributed by hundreds of police agencies in U.S.

As official as it looks, ComputerCOP is actually just spyware, generally bought in bulk from a New York company that appears to do nothing but market this software to local government agencies. The way ComputerCOP works is neither safe nor secure.

Link to: U.S. court lets tech company off the hook for helping China detain, torture religious minorities

U.S. court lets tech company off the hook for helping China detain, torture religious minorities

At what point does a company that intentionally builds tools that are specially designed for governmental human rights abuses become liable for the use of those tools for their intended (and known) purposes?