Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF)

Articles by Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF)

Link to: Vietnamese malware targets inboxes of EFF’s staff, AP reporter

Vietnamese malware targets inboxes of EFF’s staff, AP reporter

EFF has analyzed malware targeting the organisation’s own staff, as well as a well-known Vietnamese mathematician, a Vietnamese pro-democracy activist, and a Vietnam-based journalist at the Associated Press.

Link to: Will Obama hit the mark on real NSA reform?

Will Obama hit the mark on real NSA reform?

After President Barack Obama’s announcement of changes and reforms to the National Security Agency on 17 January 2014, Electronic Frontier Foundation awarded the president only 3.5 out of 12 possible points for what they consider to be necessary reforms.

Books are displayed on the pavement during an event marking the World Book and Copyright Day in downtown Bucharest, 23 April 2013, REUTERS/Bogdan Cristel

Copyright week: Six principles that should guide policy

In the week leading up the two-year anniversary of the SOPA blackout protests, EFF and others are talking about key principles that should guide copyright policy.

Link to: Freed from a UAE prison, Shezanne Cassim returns home

Freed from a UAE prison, Shezanne Cassim returns home

According to a statement from the US Department of State, the US citizen charged under the UAE’s Cybercrime Act and sentenced to a year in prison was released and deported after getting credit against his sentence for time served and for “good behavior.”


Transparency is fundamental to good copyright policy, EFF and partners say

In the week leading up the two-year anniversary of the SOPA [Stop Online Piracy Act] blackout protests, EFF and others are talking about key principles that should guide copyright policy.

An Internet cafe manager uses a computer in an Internet cafe in the Hodan area of Mogadishu, 9 October 2013, Reuters/Feisal Omar

Mine, not thine: Somalia’s Al Shabaab bans the Internet

Somali rebel group (and US-designated terrorist organization) Al Shabaab has reportedly banned the use of the Internet through mobile handsets and fiber optic cables throughout Somalia, giving telecommunications companies 15 days to comply with the order.

Graphical interpretation of the words most frequently used on EFF's Deeplinks blog in 2013, EFF

2013 in review: Fight for free expression and privacy in technology

In 2013, we received confirmation and disturbing details about the NSA programs that are sweeping up information on hundreds of millions of people in the United States and around the world. This set off a cascade of events, from EFF’s newest lawsuit against the NSA to protests in the streets to a United Nations resolution to Congressional bills both promising and terrifying. In December, a federal judge even found the surveillance likely unconstitutional, calling it “almost-Orwellian.”

Journalists protested in front of the Jordanian Parliament on 5 June 2013 against the blocking of over 200 websites. The sign reads: "No reform without press freedom", Hussam Da’ana/7iber

2013 in review: As governments in the Arab world crack down, activists fight back

As the year draws to a close, the Electronic Frontier Foundation is looking back at the major trends influencing digital rights in 2013 and discussing where we are in the fight for free expression, innovation, fair use, and privacy.