Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF)

Articles by Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF)

An Occupy Tokyo protester holds an umbrella during a rally against the TPP in Tokyo, 15 October 2011, REUTERS/Issei Kato

TPP leak confirms the worst: U.S. negotiators still trying to trade away Internet freedoms

Wikileaks has published a complete draft of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement’s chapter on “intellectual property rights.” The leaked text confirms suspicions about the harm the agreement could do to users’ rights and a free and open Internet.

Link to: How can the New York Times endorse a trade agreement the public can’t read?

How can the New York Times endorse a trade agreement the public can’t read?

The New York Times’ editorial board has made a disappointing endorsement of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), even as the actual text of the agreement that could threaten digital freedoms remains secret.

Link to: Apple’s first transparency report outlines government requests for data

Apple’s first transparency report outlines government requests for data

Apple’s first transparency report includes information about which countries have asked for user data [the U.S. tops the list] and the number of requests received and granted or refused.

Link to: Ten steps you can take right now against Internet surveillance

Ten steps you can take right now against Internet surveillance

As word of the NSA’s spying has spread, more and more ordinary people want to know how (or if) they can defend themselves from surveillance online.

Link to: 40 non-governmental organisations call on EU to halt mass surveillance

40 non-governmental organisations call on EU to halt mass surveillance

In a letter to the president of Lithuania and the president of the European Council, Index on Censorship and 39 other NGOS call upon leaders of the European Union to discuss the issue of mass surveillance at the European Council meeting on 24 and 25 October.

Link to: How the NSA deploys malware, and how users can protect themselves

How the NSA deploys malware, and how users can protect themselves

The template for attacking people with malware used by the NSA is in widespread use by criminals and fraudsters, as well as foreign intelligence agencies, so it’s important to understand and defend against this threat to avoid being a victim to the plethora of attackers out there.

Link to: More than 30 organisations unite to safeguard Canadians’ privacy rights

More than 30 organisations unite to safeguard Canadians’ privacy rights

EFF is joining more than 30 major Canadian organizations to form the largest pro-privacy coalition in Canadian history. With the Canadian Parliament set to resume, the Protect Our Privacy Coalition has banded together to ensure Canadians get effective legal measures to protect their privacy against government intrusion.

Moroccan editor Ali Anouzla was arrested on 17 September 2013, lakome.com

60 human rights groups call for release of Moroccan journalist

In a second joint appeal, over 60 IFEX members and partners again call for the release of Moroccan journalist Ali Anouzla, after terrorism-related charges were laid against him.