Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF)

Articles by Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF)

Tell Obama: Stand up for Internet privacy!

The Electronic Frontier Foundation started a petition in March asking US President Barack Obama to veto CISPA, a bill that was subsequently passed by the House of Representatives in April.

EFF's National Security Letter legal team, EFF

US federal judge rules national security letters are unconstitutional

A federal district court judge in San Francisco has ruled that National Security Letter (NSL) provisions in federal law violate the Constitution. The decision came in a lawsuit challenging an NSL on behalf of an unnamed telecommunications company represented by the Electronic Frontier Foundation.

Blogger Le Quoc Quan, https://www.frontlinedefenders.org/node/20153

UN urged to press for Vietnamese blogger’s release

A broad coalition of human rights organisations has called for UN free speech and human rights watchdogs to intervene and secure the immediate release of Vietnamese blogger and human rights activist Le Quoc Quan.

Link to: Unfavourable commentary deleted by China’s Internet censors for a price

Unfavourable commentary deleted by China’s Internet censors for a price

Investigators recently uncovered the activities of Beijing’s “dark PR” agencies, who take money from private companies to bribe Internet censors to delete unfavourable commentary on Chinese forums and microblogging sites.

Link to: USA and Canada take steps to ratify intellectual property agreement

USA and Canada take steps to ratify intellectual property agreement

Major announcements from the US and Canada give a clear indication that the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement is coming back with a vengeance. ACTA is an agreement carrying intellectual property provisions that would negatively impact digital rights.

Link to: Major privacy victory: US mayor orders police to dismantle drone programme

Major privacy victory: US mayor orders police to dismantle drone programme

In an amazing victory for privacy advocates and drone activists, yesterday, Seattle’s mayor ordered the city’s police agency to cease trying use surveillance drones and dismantle its drone programme.

Link to: Gulf rulers intensify repression against rising online activism

Gulf rulers intensify repression against rising online activism

Apart from their geography and shared culture, what Kuwait, Oman, and Bahrain have in common is aging authoritarian leadership coupled with a young, Internet-savvy populace: an obvious recipe for tension.

Joint letter to Skype calls for greater transparency

In an open letter to Skype, numerous journalists, activists and NGOs urge it to be more transparent about the confidentiality of Skype conversations and about its data protection and retention policies.