Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF)

Articles by Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF)

This tame collage cartoon about Indian politicians discussing the railway, led to the arrest of two men after it was sent to an e-mail list, CRNI

Indian authorities urged to drop charges against two men for circulating cartoon

Over 30 human rights groups worldwide have appealed for charges to be dropped against two men charged with several offences after circulating a harmless cartoon on an internal mailing list.

Link to: UK “Snoopers’ Charter” draws sharp critique

UK “Snoopers’ Charter” draws sharp critique

The Global Network Initiative outlines serious concerns with the UK’s draft Communications Data Bill.

Link to: The battle for privacy intensifies in Australia

The battle for privacy intensifies in Australia

Despite the steady march toward expanded online snooping powers for law enforcement in Australia in the name of “national security”, recent Parliamentary submissions reflect strong public opposition to the proposed reforms.

Link to: Trade agreement threatening digital freedoms being negotiated in secrecy

Trade agreement threatening digital freedoms being negotiated in secrecy

The negotiation process around the Trans-Pacific Partnership, a powerful trade agreement, has shut out multi-stakeholder participation and is shrouded in secrecy.

Link to: California district court confirms Video Privacy Protection Act applies to online video

California district court confirms Video Privacy Protection Act applies to online video

The District Court for the Northern District of California issued a ruling that clarifies that the Video Privacy Protection Act (“VPPA”) applies to online video. The court thereby confirmed what EFF has been arguing for quite some time: that this law protects users’ online watching habits.

Link to: Pakistan’s Internet censorship worsens once again

Pakistan’s Internet censorship worsens once again

While Pakistan has been censoring online content for a long time, the telecommunication authority’s focus has tended toward pornography and blasphemy, not political scandal.

Release Bahraini human rights activists now, say international groups

A group of 46 human rights organisations led by IFEX calls on member states of the United Nations Human Rights Council to urge Bahrain to release human rights defenders and peaceful opposition activists.

Link to: Media skeptical over Press Council Act amendments

Media skeptical over Press Council Act amendments

The government plans to amend the 1973 act so that websites will be regulated by the same agency that regulates printed media.