Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF)

Articles by Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF)

Release Bahraini human rights activists now, say international groups

A group of 46 human rights organisations led by IFEX calls on member states of the United Nations Human Rights Council to urge Bahrain to release human rights defenders and peaceful opposition activists.

Link to: Media skeptical over Press Council Act amendments

Media skeptical over Press Council Act amendments

The government plans to amend the 1973 act so that websites will be regulated by the same agency that regulates printed media.

Link to: Need for transparency on secret surveillance contracts

Need for transparency on secret surveillance contracts

According to a July 16 press report, the Secretariat of National Defense (Sedena) – the body that oversees Mexico’s Army and Air Force – awarded five surveillance contracts from March 2011 – 2012, without opening them up to bid.