Articles by Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF)
Police aerial surveillance endangers our ability to protest
The California Highway Patrol directed aerial surveillance, mostly done by helicopters, over protests in Berkeley, Oakland, Palo Alto, Placerville, Riverside, Sacramento, San Francisco, and San Luis Obispo. Dragnet aerial surveillance is often unconstitutional.
EFF to Supreme Court: Warrantless 24-hour video surveillance outside homes violates Fourth Amendment
If the Supreme Court takes up Tuggle’s case, it would be the first time it has considered the rules around warrantless pole camera surveillance.
Face recognition is so toxic, Facebook is dumping it
The decision to end the face recognition program comes at a time when the technology is receiving push back, criticisms, and legislative bans across the United States, and around the world.
EFF to court: Stop SFPD from spying on protesters for Black Lives
EFF and the ACLU of Northern California recently filed a brief asking the San Francisco Superior Court to rule that the San Francisco Police Department (SFPD) violated the law when it obtained and used a remote, live link to a business district’s surveillance camera network to monitor protests in the wake of George Floyd’s murder in May and June 2020.
How California’s broadband infrastructure law promotes local choice
New California program allows local cities and counties to access infrastructure dollars to solve problems in their own communities along with empowering local private entities, rather than depend on large, private multi-nationals who aren’t willing to make the needed generational investment into infrastructure in most areas of the state.
The other 20-year anniversary: Freedom and surveillance post-9/11
The twentieth anniversary of the attacks of September 11, 2001 are a good time to reflect on the world we’ve built since then. By now it is clear that far too many things that were put into place in the immediate aftermath of the attacks, especially in the areas of surveillance and government secrecy, are deeply problematic for our democracy, privacy and fairness. It’s time to set things right.
Apple must abandon its surveillance plans
While it’s welcome news that Apple is now listening to the concerns raised by rights defenders about the dangers posed by its phone scanning tools, the company must go further than just listening, and drop its plans to put a backdoor into its encryption entirely.
Vaccine passport missteps we should not repeat
Vaccine mandates are becoming increasingly urgent from public health officials and various governments. As they roll out, we must protect users of vaccine passports and those who do not want to use – or cannot use – a digitally scannable means to prove vaccination.