Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF)

Articles by Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF)

A man walks by a Black Lives Matter mural in Los Angeles, California, 24 May 2021, as activists call on the mayor and the City Council to pressure Congress to pass the Floyd Police Reform Bill, APU GOMES/AFP via Getty Images

EFF sues police standards agency to obtain use of force training materials

Police group abusing copyright law to withhold documents, violate Public Records Act.

A United states Courthouse, Oakland, California, 19 May 2021, Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

EFF tells California Court that forensic software source code must be disclosed to the defendant

EFF filed an amicus brief in State v. Alvin Davis in California, in support of Mr. Davis’s right to inspect the source code of STRMix, the forensic DNA software used at his trial.

A note on the new iPhone operating system iOS 14.5 indicates that users may allow or disallow cross-provider ad tracking, Berlin, Germany, 27 April 2021, Christoph Dernbach/picture alliance via Getty Images

Apple’s AppTrackingTransparency is upending mobile phone tracking

Apple’s long-awaited privacy update for iOS is out, and it’s a solid step in the right direction.

Baker-Berry Library, Dartmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire, 1 July 2017, Education Images/Universal Images Group via Getty Images

Proctoring tools and dragnet investigations rob students of due process

While many universities have used proctoring tools that purport to help educators prevent cheating, Dartmouth’s Geisel School of Medicine has gone dangerously further.

A woman accesses the Oracle website on her laptop, in Hong Kong, 18 January 2017, S3studio/Getty Images

Victory for fair use: The Supreme Court reverses the Federal Circuit in Oracle v. Google

In a win for innovation, the U.S. Supreme Court has held that Google’s use of certain Java Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) is a lawful fair use. The Court recognized that copyright only promotes innovation and creativity when it provides breathing room for those who are building on what has come before.

Passengers on a railway coach browse their mobile phones, near Delhi, India, 21 March 2021, Avishek Das/SOPA Images/LightRocket via Getty Images

EFF: India’s strict rules for online intermediaries undermine freedom of expression

The Electronic Frontier Foundation said India’s 2021 Rules restrict companies’ discretion in moderating their own platforms and create new possibilities for government surveillance of citizens.

Amazon workers gather in front of the building's main gate during a national strike by thousands of drivers, hub and warehouse workers, in Aversa, Campania, Italy, 22 March 2021, Antonio Balasco/KONTROLAB/LightRocket via Getty Images

Dystopia Prime: Amazon subjects its drivers to biometric surveillance

Amazon, the company that brought you Ring doorbell cameras and Rekognition face surveillance, has a tenuous understanding of both privacy and consent.

Photo Illustration of the Facebook logo and users' concerns, by Pavlo Gonchar/SOPA Images/LightRocket via Getty Images

Facebook treats punk rockers like crazy conspiracy theorists, kicks them offline

Facebook and the problem of ‘false positives’.