Articles by Espacio Público

Venezuela unfit for a new Human Rights Council term
Venezuela’s human rights record, including as a member of the Human Rights Council, should preclude it from serving another term on the council, according to 34 international and Latin American human rights groups.

Groups condemn Ecuadorian authorities’ plan to close local organization Fundamedios
For members of the IFEX-ALC, the Secom decision to shut down Fundamedios will affect the free expression landscape in Ecuador and threatens the right of society to be informed. Fundamedios is the only organisation that monitors attacks and threats on the media and defends the right to freedom of expression in Ecuador.

What is the purpose of Guatemala’s anti media terrorism foundation?
In the midst of few guarantees for the safety of journalists in Guatemala, authorities are endorsing the creation of a body that may further increase the vulnerability of freedom of the press.

Groups hope Uruguay’s media law will become model in Latin America
The adoption of the Law of Audiovisual Communication Services promotes democratisation of the media and the effective exercise of freedom of expression in Uruguay.

Venezuelan cartoonist fired over political cartoon
After 19 years working for El Universal, cartoonist Rayma Suprani was fired over her cartoon critical of the national health system, following recent changes in the paper’s ownership and editorial line.

Radio journalist gets death threat in relation to protests in Venezuela
Journalist and Radio Fe y Alegría 103.1 FM producer Francisco León, reported that on 15 April 2014 he received a death threat in a letter that was left at the entrance of the radio station, which is located in Guayana, Bolívar. He said letter is a consequence of him going out to the street to protest.

Protecting freedom of expression for LGBT people
Making a statement during International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia (IDAHO-T).

Government gets aggressive with media in attempt to hide violence in Venezuela
In an attempt to hide the destructive violence of anti-government protests that took place on 12 February 2014, the Maduro administration has threatened media outlets who dare to veer from the official line, taking at least one off the air.