Foro de Periodismo Argentino

Articles by Foro de Periodismo Argentino

Link to: Argentinian press team attacked by official’s supporters in Brazilian airport

Argentinian press team attacked by official’s supporters in Brazilian airport

The Foro de Periodismo Argentino condemns the violent attacks and threats against members of a Todo Noticias (TN) team, who were conducting an interview on 31 December 2013 with the head of the Argentinian Federal Revenue Administration, Ricardo Echegaray, in the Río de Janeiro, Brazil international airport.


Ask Argentina’s election candidates to defend access to information

Join the Foro de Periodismo Argentino in calling on candidates for the Senate and the House of Representatives to uphold four basic concepts that make free expression possible in a democracy.

Link to: Radio journalist brutally attacked by local politician in Argentina

Radio journalist brutally attacked by local politician in Argentina

On the morning of 13 September 2013, journalist Daniel Ortigoza was assaulted and threatened by the local mayor Alfredo Gruber and a group of protesters while he covered a murder trial in Misiones province.

Link to: Firebomb attack on Argentinian journalist’s home

Firebomb attack on Argentinian journalist’s home

Journalist Luis Orlando Fernández told FOPEA that an attack on his house was probably linked to his assisting a news crew that was in the area doing a report on water shortages in Formosa province.

A protester carries portraits of Edward Snowden during a demonstration against secret monitoring programmes and showing solidarity with whistleblowers Edward Snowden and others in Berlin on 27 July 2013, REUTERS/Pawel Kopczynski

Over 150 groups urge President Obama to protect whistleblowers and journalists

Over 150 IFEX members and partners of ARTICLE 19 appealed to US President Obama to drop charges against whistleblower Edward Snowden, update the Whistleblower Protection Act and pass a media shield law.

Opposition members protest during the vote on the Communications Act in Ecuador's National Assembly on 14 June 2013., Cortesía

Groups call for review of Ecuador’s restrictive communications law

Over 30 IFEX members write to President Rafael Correa, calling on him to submit the recently-approved Ecuadorian Communications Law to the Inter-American Court of Human Rights for a Consultative Opinion.

Link to: Argentine journalist’s car set on fire

Argentine journalist’s car set on fire

FOPEA condemns the fact that journalist Maximiliano Pascual’s car was intentionally set on fire. Pascual is the co-owner and editor of the weekly La Posta Hoy, an Argentinian paper that often takes a critical editorial line.

Link to: Argentinian radio station set on fire, local mayor suspected

Argentinian radio station set on fire, local mayor suspected

The owner of Radio Génesis in Formosa province, Argentina, suspects that individuals linked to the local and provincial authorities may be behind a fire deliberately set at the station.