Free Media Movement

Articles by Free Media Movement

Link to: FMM condemns police actions against journalists covering protests

FMM condemns police actions against journalists covering protests

Police have been obstructing coverage of demonstrations by taking away journalists’ cameras and destroying their footage.

Link to: FMM denounces attacks on protesters as violation of free expression

FMM denounces attacks on protesters as violation of free expression

Police used tear gas to disperse protesters who were demonstrating against the arrest of the defeated presidential candidate.

Link to: Two MTV network journalists assaulted

Two MTV network journalists assaulted

Correspondent Rizwi Maharoof was assaulted while he was at the Anuradhapura Teaching Hospital covering a shooting incident.

Link to: FMM calls on president to ensure a free media environment

FMM calls on president to ensure a free media environment

FMM and seven other media organisations have noted a continuing deterioration in media freedom following the recent presidential election.

Link to: Ban on “Lanka” newspaper lifted but editor remains in detention

Ban on “Lanka” newspaper lifted but editor remains in detention

Media organisations expressed their hope that, since the ban on the newspaper was lifted, justice will also prevail in the case of detained editor Chandana Sirimalwatta.

Link to: Concern over increasing media repression following election

Concern over increasing media repression following election

FMM and four other media organisations issued a joint statement highlighting a number of incidents targeting the media.

Link to: Media organisations submit “reform agenda” to presidential candidates

Media organisations submit “reform agenda” to presidential candidates

Eight organisations, including FMM, presented an agenda of reform for media freedom to the candidates participating in the 2010 presidential election.

Link to: FMM, media groups urge president to free Tissanayagam

FMM, media groups urge president to free Tissanayagam

(FMM/IFEX) – The publication of two articles by J.S. Tissanayagam in Sri Lanka’s monthly magazine “The North Eastern” came at a price: 20 years’ hard labour. The Editors’ Guild of Sri Lanka, the Sri Lanka Working Journalists’ Association, the Free Media Movement, the Newspaper Society of Sri Lanka, the Sri Lanka Muslim Media Forum, the […]