Freedom Forum

Articles by Freedom Forum

Nepal: Freedom Forum alarmed over shrinking civic space

Freedom Forum said the government should immediately lift the barriers on public spaces and guarantee citizen rights.

Nepal: Stakeholders urged policymakers to pass cyber-related laws that promote free speech

A roundtable forum organised by Freedom Forum tackled pending cyber-related laws and their impact on freedom of expression.

Nepal: Freedom Forum report on challenges facing the media

A total 52 incidents of press freedom violations were recorded in 2023.

Ban on TikTok is a violation of the freedom granted by Nepal’s Constitution

Various groups said the ban limits the opportunities of citizens to engage in online conversations and participate in the global digital community.

Nepal’s UPR recommendations on freedom of expression and association

During the 3rd UPR Cycle, Nepal received 233 recommendations, accepted 196 recommendations, and noted 37 recommendations.

Nepal: Press Council criticized for endorsing shut down of news portal

Freedom Forum strongly urges the council to withdraw its request to block the news portal.

Nepal: Freedom Forum urges Press Council not to go beyond its jurisdiction while regulating media

Freedom Forum reminded the Council that the move to shut down media websites is beyond its jurisdiction.

Nepal: Freedom Forum concerned over Speaker’s statement discrediting media

Media groups are concerned after the Speaker of the House of Representatives belittled the role of journalists in society.