Freedom House

Articles by Freedom House

More than 20 per cent of governments engage in transnational repression

According to Freedom House, 25 governments were responsible for 125 incidents of physical transnational repression in 2023 alone, including assassinations, abductions, assaults, detentions, and unlawful deportations.

China: Censorship and surveillance updates

Documentary on migrants censored, report on police brutality removed, and intensified censorship in 2024.

Governments escalate transnational repression of journalists

“Between 2014 and 2023 at least 112 acts of transnational repression were committed against journalists by 26 governments, including those of Belarus, Cambodia, China, Iran, Pakistan, Russia, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey” – Freedom House

Suffering the consequences of SLAPPs in Central and Eastern Europe

Wealthy individuals, especially in Central and Eastern Europe, are abusing the law to stifle critical reporting. However, journalists are fighting back.

Advances in artificial intelligence are amplifying a crisis for human rights online

A new Freedom House report notes that while innovations in AI contributed to the 13th consecutive year of global decline in internet freedom, older forms of digital repression continued to proliferate.

China: Crackdowns on misinformation and LGBTQI+ accounts, new mobile app rules, and censorship of accident reports

The Chinese government’s latest crackdown on online rumors echoes Xi Jinping’s earlier effort to establish a “security barrier” around the Chinese internet.

Crime and Punishment: The twin threats faced by journalists in Central America

In addition to extralegal violence, the region’s independent media have been subjected to repressive laws and politicized prosecutions.

Not even prison can silence Cuba’s artists

Freedom House spoke with human rights defender Anamely Ramos González about Cuba’s San Isidro Movement – an art collective that continues to defend Cubans’ right to free expression even after key members were imprisoned.