Articles by Freedom House
Internationally-known Bahraini photographer Ahmed Humaidan held for 18 months
Humaidan was sentenced on March 26, 2014 to ten years in prison for supposedly participating in an attack on a police station in Sitra on April 8, 2012. A court is due to rule on his appeal on August 25.
One year on, no justice for murdered LGBT activist in Cameroon
“It is hard to believe that over the course of a year authorities in Cameroon have not conducted a proper investigation into the murder of Eric Lembembe and that there have been no arrests, no court proceedings, and no justice served,” said Vukasin Petrovic, director of Africa programs at Freedom House.
Russia leads Eurasia’s break from the democratic world, report finds
Nations in Transit 2014, a new report by Freedom House, shows Russia as the model and inspiration for policies leading to a retreat from free institutions throughout Eurasia and bringing the region to a new, alarming level of repression during the past year.
How the Chinese are defying the Tiananmen censors
People in China find novel ways to bypass the censors during the 25th anniversary of the Tiananmen Square Massacre.
An apology for the Danish cartoon crisis
One of the leading forces in the 2005–06 prophet Muhammad cartoon controversy, Danish Muslim activist Ahmed Akkari, now regrets his role as agitator and reveals a larger, more deliberate, and more vicious conspiracy behind the crisis than previously known.
India’s democracy challenge, and Modi’s
In the wake of Narendra Modi’s overwhelming victory in India’s recent elections, commentators have noted the many, daunting challenges facing the new prime minister of the world’s most populous democracy.
Ecuador’s Correa ignores his repression of critics at home
While Ecuador’s President Rafael Correa has been promoting himself through a public-relations campaign abroad, he has ratcheted up the suppression of critical voices within his own country.
Freedom of the Press 2014: Media freedom hits decade low
The decline in global press freedom this year was driven in part by major regression in several Middle Eastern states; marked setbacks in Turkey, Ukraine, and a number of countries in East Africa; and deterioration in the relatively open media environment of the United States.