Freedom House

Articles by Freedom House

Protesters march to Agos newspaper office during a demonstration to mark the seventh anniversary of the killing of Turkish-Armenian journalist Hrant Dink in Istanbul, 19 January 2014., REUTERS/Osman Orsal

Democracy in crisis: Corruption, media, and power in Turkey

A new report by Freedom House catalogues the Turkish government’s actions to suppress freedom of speech, which have intensified since the emergence of a major corruption scandal in December 2013.

A woman picks vegetables near a residential compound under construction in Zhejiang province, China, 17 January 2014, REUTERS/William Hong

Transparency, independent media are vital for global development plan

195 civil society organisations from around the world have called on the UN to put government accountability and independent media at the centre of a new framework for global development.

Freedom House

Democratic freedoms under siege: Annual report on global political rights and civil liberties

Marked by intensified repression in Eurasia and the Middle East, the state of freedom declined for the eighth consecutive year in 2013, according to “Freedom in the World 2014”, Freedom House’s annual report on global political rights and civil liberties.

Electronic Frontier Foundation

Release Alaa Abd El Fattah and all those unjustly detained in Egypt

Following the criminalisation of peaceful protest in Egypt in November 2013, 57 organisations and individuals release joint statement against arrests of Egyptian bloggers and political activists.

Link to: China urged not to indict rights activist Guo Feixiong

China urged not to indict rights activist Guo Feixiong

Freedom House strongly urges the Chinese government to drop the possible criminal prosecution of human rights activist Guo Feixiong and to release him immediately and unconditionally. Guo, a self-taught legal defender, was arrested in August 2013 for his involvement in campaigns promoting press freedom, political rights, and transparency.

Link to: China urged to release human rights activist and lawyer Liu Shihui

China urged to release human rights activist and lawyer Liu Shihui

Authorities in Guangzhou, China detained human rights activist and lawyer Liu Shihui when he went to inquire about three members of a grassroots pro-democracy group, Southern Street Movement, who were taken into custody the day before. Liu was transferred out of the police station in the middle of the night on 6 January 2013, and his whereabouts are unknown.

Link to: Reversing Zambia’s authoritarian drift

Reversing Zambia’s authoritarian drift

The Zambian government’s growing intolerance for criticism has extended to the media. Journalists have been unlawfully arrested, websites shut down, and nationwide broadcasting licenses revoked in a thinly disguised campaign by the authorities to circumscribe free speech and encourage self-censorship.

Romania’s Parliament, led by Prime Minister Victor Ponta (left), voted to recriminalise insult and libel, a move that President Traian Basescu (right) promised to veto.,

In an attack on free expression, libel may be recriminalised in Romania

IFEX members are calling on the president of Romania to veto proposed changes to the penal code passed by Parliament that would recriminalise insult and libel.