Articles by Freedom House

Five threats to Internet freedom you’ve probably never heard of
Besides the Great Firewall of China and other highly publicised attacks on the net, there are a host of lesser-known threats to Internet freedom, says the US-based organisation Freedom House.

Call for more protection for embattled civil society activists
As hard-won civil liberties are being rapidly eroded worldwide, civil society is increasingly looking to democratic governments not just for solidarity, but to champion a reversal of the global assault on peaceful dissent, notes Freedom House.

IFEX-TMG calls on Tunisia to guarantee media independence
IFEX-TMG supports media strike in Tunisia on 17 October to protest media appointments and the failure to guarantee media freedom in the draft Constitution.

IFEX members call on new Somali government to protect journalists
Over 40 IFEX members worldwide call for the new President of Somalia to help combat impunity in the killing of journalists, revise media laws and uphold UN and African resolutions to help protect journalists.

Azerbaijan: UN Universal Periodic Review Submission
The human rights situation in Azerbaijan has deteriorated significantly and the state of freedom of expression in the country is alarming, says a coalition of NGOs.

New Council of Europe criteria will help define “political prisoners”
The Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly (PACE) resolution is a major step in creating a uniform, international standard for how the world defines political prisoners, says Freedom House.

The trouble with blasphemy laws
The concept of “defamation of religions” conflicts with the universal right to freedom of thought, conscience, and religion itself by designating certain ideas as off-limits for debate and discussion, warns Freedom House.