Freedom House

Articles by Freedom House

Link to: Freedom House protests moves against independent media

Freedom House protests moves against independent media

(Freedom House/IFEX) – The special clerical court in Iran has placed a five-year ban on “Salam” newspaper and sentenced the paper’s editor and publisher, Mohammad Mosavi-Khoeniha, to a three-year suspension from journalism. **Updates IFEX alerts of 3 August, 29 July, 27 July, 26 July, 15 July and 8 July 1999** “Salam”, a relatively moderate paper […]

Link to: Global press freedom declines, Freedom House cites “censorship by stealth”

Global press freedom declines, Freedom House cites “censorship by stealth”

(Freedom House/IFEX) – The following is a Freedom House press release: GLOBAL PRESS FREEDOM DECLINES FREEDOM HOUSE CITES “CENSORSHIP BY STEALTH” NEW YORK, APRIL 29 – The degree of press freedom in the world declined in 1998, according to a survey of the news media issued today by Freedom House. It blamed the setback on […]

Link to: Newspaper closed

Newspaper closed

(Freedom House/IFEX) – The moderate “Zan” (Woman) newspaper in Iran was ordered by the Teheran revolutionary court to cease publication. **Updates IFEX alert of 3 February 1999** “Zan”, which is run by Faezeh Hashemi, daughter of former Iranian President Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, reportedly infuriated authorities by running a statement by the widow of the former […]

Link to: Freedom House cites press freedom violations in Pakistan

Freedom House cites press freedom violations in Pakistan

(Freedom House/IFEX) – On 30 November 1998, a Freedom House specialist in international communications denounced the significant economic restrictions introduced recently against independent newspapers in Pakistan. Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, who will visit Washington shortly, was urged to end the restrictions and fulfill the ruling party’s declared commitment to freedom of the press. The affected […]

Link to: BBC journalists detained

BBC journalists detained

(Freedom House/IFEX) – According to Freedom House, the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) World Service confirmed in a 27 May 1998 report that a three-man television film crew is being detained by the authorities in Yemen. The crew, who include the BBC’s regional correspondent Rageh Omaar, was held overnight in Sanaa (the capital city). The journalists […]

Link to: Head of Iran’s news agency to face court charges

Head of Iran’s news agency to face court charges

(Freedom House/IFEX) – According to information obtained by Freedom House, Fereydoun Verdinejad, the director general of Iran’s official news agency, IRNA, is to appear in court on 11 May to answer charges leveled against him by a parliament deputy and a conservative group. “Verdinejad is to appear in a press violations inquiry court to answer […]

Link to: Freedom House publishes

Freedom House publishes

(Freedom House/IFEX) – According to “Press Freedom 1998”, Freedom House’s annual survey of press freedom, only 20 percent of the world’s population live in countries in which free press is promoted. This percentage is slightly lower than that of the previous year, though the number of serious violations against journalists has also dropped slightly from […]

Link to: Bosnia Press Control

Bosnia Press Control

(Freedom House/IFEX) – The following is a letter to the Editor of the New York Times from Leonard Sussman on press controls in Bosnia. It was printed 27 April 1998: 24 April 1998 To the Editor: The new press-control agency in Bosnia created by the United States and its allies seems to be outrageous censorship, […]