Freedom of Expression Institute (FXI)

Articles by Freedom of Expression Institute (FXI)

Link to: FXI condemns government’s actions against the media

FXI condemns government’s actions against the media

(FXI/IFEX) – The following is an FXI media release: FXI CONDEMNS SWAZI GOVERNMENT’S ACTIONS AGAINST THE MEDIA The Freedom of Expression Institute is appalled at the manner in which journalists are being treated in Swaziland and finds it reminiscent of the way in which the apartheid government dealt with the press in the repressive climate […]

Link to: Freelance journalist expelled from South African Communist Party

Freelance journalist expelled from South African Communist Party

(FXI/IFEX) – The following is a 17 August 2000 FXI media statement: 17 August 2000 RE: Freelance journalist Dr. Dale T. McKinley expelled from South African Communist Party The Freedom of Expression Institute condemns the decision to expel Dr. Dale McKinley from the South African Communist Party. On 15 August, the Central Committee of the […]

Link to: Freelance journalist faces disciplinary action over article

Freelance journalist faces disciplinary action over article

(FXI/IFEX) – The following is an FXI media statement: RE: Disciplinary action against freelance journalist and SACP member Dr. Dale McKinley 11 August 2000 The Freedom of Expression Institute expresses its extreme disquiet with disciplinary action being taken by the South African Communist Party against one of its members, Dr. Dale McKinley. The FXI has […]

Link to: Concern over Defence Intelligence?s decision to recruit journalists

Concern over Defence Intelligence?s decision to recruit journalists

(FXI/IFEX) – Making headlines in South Africa is the news that the Defence Intelligence (DI) in Pretoria has been making overtures to members of the press for its Overt Liaison section. The section says it seeks to establish relationships with journalists with a “view to acquiring oral and written analyses of current events”. In return, […]

Link to: FXI disturbed by investigative unit?s attitude towards media

FXI disturbed by investigative unit?s attitude towards media

(FXI/IFEX) – The following is a 19 July 2000 FXI press release: FXI DISTURBED BY HEATH UNIT’S ATTITUDE TO THE MEDIA FXI is disturbed by the Heath Special Investigative Unit’s recent decision to close down its contact with the media until such time as it has what it terms “a workman-like media policy” in place. […]

Link to: Government officials harass two journalists

Government officials harass two journalists

(FXI/IFEX) – On 5 July 2000, FXI received news from the news agency African Eye News Services (AENS) that two of its reporters were harassed by government officials while on duty to cover a government staff protest in Nelspruit, Mpumalanga. According to AENS editor Justin Arenstein, AENS received three separate telephone invitations from three different […]

Link to: FXI questions judge?s decision to not allow cameras and recording equipment into commission of inquiry

FXI questions judge?s decision to not allow cameras and recording equipment into commission of inquiry

(FXI/IFEX) – The following is an 8 June 2000 FXI press statement: FXI QUESTIONS JUDGE KING’S DECISION The Freedom of the Expression of Institute is disappointed to note Justice King’s decision not to allow cameras and recording equipment into the commission of inquiry into allegations of match fixing. Although we sympathise with the Judge’s concern […]

Link to: Review of recent freedom of expression developments

Review of recent freedom of expression developments

(FXI/IFEX) – The following is a 12 May 2000 FXI report on recent freedom of expression news from South Africa: FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION NEWS FROM SOUTH AFRICA – MAY 12 2000 ADVERTISING/ CENSORSHIP – On May 4, “The Citizen” reported that a spokesperson for Carniking and Bio Caval Millennium Show and Jumping festival, Vivienne Tothill, […]