Freedom of Expression Institute (FXI)

Articles by Freedom of Expression Institute (FXI)

Link to: FXI freedom of expression report

FXI freedom of expression report

(FXI/IFEX) – The following is a 3 May 2000 FXI report on the current freedom of expression situation in South Africa: WORLD PRESS FREEDOM DAY MAY 3 2000 INTRODUCTION The Freedom of Expression Institute would once again like to use the occasion of the ninth anniversary of World Press Freedom Day to reflect on the […]

Link to: Review of recent freedom of expression developments

Review of recent freedom of expression developments

FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION NEWS FROM SOUTH AFRICA – APRIL 20 2000 ACCESS TO INFORMATION – “Business Day” reported on April 20 that the Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE) had proposed sweeping changes to its listing requirements designed to bolster investor confidence in South Africa’s (SA) equity market. The proposals, to be published for comment, would raise […]

Link to: Newspaper editors subpoenaed

Newspaper editors subpoenaed

(FXI/IFEX) – The following is a 13 February 2000 FXI statement: FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION INSTITUTE DISTURBED BY MEDIA SUBPOENAS The Freedom of Expression Institute is disturbed to learn that the Human Rights Commission has subpoenaed the editors of the Sunday Times and the Mail and Guardian. FXI has consistently expressed its concern regarding threats by […]

Link to: Access to information legislation passed

Access to information legislation passed

The following is a 26 January 2000 FXI press release: FXI WELCOMES THE PASSING OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION LEGISLATION The Freedom of Expression Institute welcomes Parliament’s passing of the Promotion of Access to Information Act. Despite the fact that today’s Act is totally different from the omnibus “government in the sunshine” act first envisaged some […]

Link to: International news agency closed after threats

International news agency closed after threats

(FXI/IFEX) – South African Press Agency reported that the international news agency Reuters has suspended its television operation in Cape Town after reviewing threatening telephone calls its staff have received in recent months. On 19 October 1999, the agency’s Johannesburg office said the threats had raised serious concern about the security of staff. But Reuters […]

Link to: Zimbabwean defence ministry continues to detain journalist

Zimbabwean defence ministry continues to detain journalist

(FXI/IFEX) – Demonstrators marched through the streets of Harare on 16 January 1999 in protest against the detention of the editor of “The Standard”, Mark Chavunduka, at Cranborne barracks. Chavunduka was detained on 12 January following a story his newspaper ran that twenty three army officers had been arrested for their involvement in a coup […]

Link to: Student suspended after writing about organisation’s political philosophy

Student suspended after writing about organisation’s political philosophy

(FXI/IFEX) – Layla Cassim, a grade ten pupil at Crawford College, a South African school, was suspended from the college on 20 November 1998 following a request to the headmaster by the Jewish Defence League to investigate claims that Cassim had placed an article she wrote on the school’s notice board, reflecting the Palestinian Liberation […]

Link to: Student journalist expelled for writing controversial article

Student journalist expelled for writing controversial article

(FXI/IFEX) – The Peninsula Technikon took an extraordinary decision on 17 November 1998 to expel student journalist Max Hamata following his article published a few months ago. Hamata was expelled from the institution by an internal disciplinary committee, even though he was not present at the hearing. Although he had his own legal representative, Hamata […]