Articles by Freedom of Expression Institute (FXI)

Press freedom upheld in court ruling
(FXI/IFEX) – According to FXI, on 29 September 1998, the Supreme Court of Appeal made a ruling in favour of “City Press” newspaper that journalists can escape liability for false and defamatory facts by showing they were reasonable or careful. “The judgement will release South African journalists from a long list of rulings which held […]

FXI concerned about protection of journalists
(FXI/IFEX) – FXI calls on all journalists’ associations and unions to take action to ensure the safety of journalists reporting on the situation in Lesotho. Journalists were harrassed and some wounded during the rampage that recently occurred in the country. On 22 September 1998, Johannes Sefatsa, a cameraman for the South African Broadcasting Corporation was […]

Student journalist threatened after publication of an article
(FXI/IFEX) – Max Hamata, who wrote an article published in the “Mail & Guardian” (18-24 September) titled “Sex for sale on campus,” has received threatening phone calls from anonymous callers. Hamata’s article on prostitution at Peninsula Technikon (“Pentech”) alleges that sex services are available from certain female students for both on- and off-campus men. One […]

South Africa: Connection to date hearing
(FXI/IFEX) – Please note that the inquest court hearing on the death of gang leader Rashaad Staggie in Cape Town was postponed on 2 September and not 3 September, as was mistakenly reported. The IFEX Clearing House regrets the error. Iraj og Hege Nouri Torstadbakken 29, 1364 Hvalstad – NORWAY Tel: 66 98 08 69 […]

Media to defend rights in gang leaders case
(FXI/IFEX) – The inquest court hearing on the death of gang leader Rashaad Staggie in Cape Town was postponed yesterday to October 29, following requests by media lawyers to have time to contest the validity of subpoenas. On August 18, it was reported that the editors of “The Cape Times”, “The Cape Argus”, “Die Burger”, […]

9 policemen suspended after assault on reporter
(FXI/IFEX) – On 20 July 1998, nine Gugulethu, Cape Town policemen were suspended from duty following an assault on “Cape Argus” journalist Thabo Mabaso at the Gugulethu police station on 27 June 1998. West Metropolitan Police Chief Ganief Daniels said the decision to suspend the police on full pay was taken late on Monday, 20 […]

“Viscera” artist charged; art exhibition for all
(FXI/IFEX) – On 10 July 1998, the Publication and Film Board decided that paintings by Rhodes University lecturer and artist Mark Hipper were not pornographic, following a criminal charge being brought against him by the Grahamstown Child and Welfare Society. The criminal complaint was pursuant to the Film and Publication Act 65 of 1996, and […]

Safety Minister apologises for assault
(FXI/IFEX) – According to FXI, on 1 July 1998, the “Cape Argus” reported that Safety and Security Minister Sydney Mufamadi had apologised on behalf of his department to the “Cape Argus” editor, Moegsien Williams, for a brutal attack by police on reporter Thabo Mabaso. Mufamadi told Williams that he was “deeply saddened” by what had […]