Articles by Freedom of Expression Institute (FXI)

Community leader arrested for possession of secret documents
(FXI/IFEX) – On 9 December 1997, police arrested the national secretary of the anti-crime group, People Against Gangsterism and Drugs (PAGAD), Abeedah Roberts, for allegedly being in possession of a “top secret” intelligence report. The police swooped on her home in Cape Town in a pre-dawn raid and in terms of the warrant were in […]

Court effectively bans book about Sol Kerzner
(FXI/IFEX) – The Johannesburg High Court on 11 December 1997 granted a permanent interdict against the publication, sale, distribution and marketing of the book, “Kerzner Unauthorised”, about hotel magnate Sol Kerzner. The book, written by former journalist Allan Greenblo, includes details about various business dealings by Kerzner in South Africa and abroad as well as […]

Court rejects media’s request for access to in-camera evidence on chemical warfare project
(FXI/IFEX) – On 1 December 1997, the Pretoria High Court rejected with costs an application by media publishing house Times Media Limited and two journalists for access to the full bail hearing of the former head of South Africa’s chemical and biological warfare programme, Wouter Basson. In passing his ruling, Justice C. Botha said the […]

Hearing on possible ban of book to take place in-camera
(FXI/IFEX) – On 3 December 1997, the Johannesburg High Court ruled that evidence in an application to ban the book, “Kerzner Unauthorised”, about hotel magnate Sol Kerzner, would be heard behind closed doors. The judge made the ruling despite the fact that neither of the parties had applied for the evidence to be heard in-camera. […]

Provincial premier serves journalist with defamation claim
(FXI/IFEX) – Lawyers acting for the premier of Mpumalanga province, Matthews Phosa, on 20 November 1997 served journalist Justin Arenstein with a letter claiming that, as a result of an article published in the “Mail & Guardian” (M&G) newspaper on 31 October, Phosa had suffered damages to the amount of R3-million (about US $600,000). The […]

Newspaper defeats attempt to place prior restraint on it; another newspaper to challenge order preventing it from publishing article
(FXI/IFEX) – The “Mail & Guardian” (M&G) newspaper on 20 November 1997 defeated an attempt by Liberian businessman and former finance minister of that country, Emmanuel Shaw II, to block publication of further revelations about his activities. The case, which was heard in the Johannesburg High Court, stated that articles which appeared in the M&G […]

Member of Parliament being investigated for accusations made in Parliament
(FXI/IFEX) – A special parliamentary committee is investigating Pan Africanist Congress (PAC) Member of Parliament Patricia De Lille, who is accused of abusing her parliamentary privilege following an outburst on 22 October 1997 during which she named several top African National Congress (ANC) members as allegedly having been spies for the apartheid security forces. During […]

Sale and distribution of book about hotel magnate still suspended
(FXI/IFEX) – The sale and distribution of the book, “Kerzner Unauthorised”, about hotel magnate Sol Kerzner, will likely remain suspended until late November when an application for a final interdict against the book will be heard in the Johannesburg High Court. Legal counsel for publisher Jonathan Ball Publishers, Clair Wright, told FXI that the publisher […]