Articles by Fundamedios – Andean Foundation for Media Observation and Study

Prosecutor in Ecuador files formal accusations against journalist’s killers
On September 25, 2013, the Office of the Public Prosecutor in Guayas presented a formal accusation against five of the six people suspected of involvement in the April 2013 killing of journalist Fausto Valdiviezo.

Judge stops circulation of book about deaths of indigenous people in Ecuador
A judge at the Provincial Justice Court of Pichincha issued a warrant to stop the circulation of the book “A Hidden Tragedy” that addresses the issue of the unsolved killings between uncontacted indigenous peoples, the Taromenane and Waorani, that took place in March 2013.

Public officials in Ecuador launch offensives against media outlets
On September 23 and 25, the Ministry of the Interior, the Office of the Ombudsman, the Secretariat of Communication and assembly member Miguel Carvajal, sent several letters various media outlets requesting their right to response to several stories on matters of public interest.

President rips up copies of three critical papers in Ecuador
On September 21, 2013, President Rafael Correa tore apart copies of three newspapers, El Comercio, La Hora and Hoy. He warned them that they must only publish stories on issues of public interest, as the Communications Law orders.

President discredits Ecuadorian journalist reporting on oil exploitation
Rafael Correa, in his Weekly National Broadcast, belittled student Miguel Molina over an opinion article he wrote and shared a video the government made based on personal photos from Molina’s Facebook account.

Twitter hashtag targets Ecuadorian songwriter who insulted the president
Since the early hours of September 7, 2013, the hashtag #UnPuñeteParaGuevara (A punch for Guevara) has been circulating on Twitter, with several messages that insult and promote violence against songwriter Jaime Guevara who had given a “middle finger” gesture to the presidential caravan.

Ecuadorian journalist acquitted of “terrorism” charges
An Esmeraldas court has acquitted journalist Juan Alcívar of the crime of “terrorism against a public servant”, for supposedly throwing a pepper gas bomb inside a venue where President Rafael Correa was visiting on July 19, 2010.

Minister gives ultimatum to three Ecuadorian papers in midst of protests
The Minister of the Interior, José Serrano, summoned the press to an urgent conference on August 27, 2013 and gave a 24-hour ultimatum to three newspapers, before he would use the Communications Law to penalise them over publications regarding public demonstrations.