Articles by Fundamedios – Andean Foundation for Media Observation and Study

Website hacked by Ecuadorian government after story on president
On 28 January 2013, the website “” was under attack by unidentified hackers. The page was hacked after the publication of an article that revealed the alleged existence of two bank accounts owned by President Rafael Correa in Switzerland.

Ecuador’s president announces subsidy for small media outlets
President Rafael Correa announced that during his next period in office the State will subsidize small “non-profit” media outlets, but the measure will not extend to the large media companies, which he says “are drowning in cash”.

Journalist kidnapped and beaten in Ecuador
Journalist Ángel Arregui, of television station Sacha TV in La Joya de los Sachas, was kidnapped and beaten by unidentified persons who, after leaving him on the highway, warned him that the attack had been punishment for “messing with the boss.”

Ecuadorian blogger released after hacking presidential account
On the evening of 3 December, blogger Paúl Moreno – who had been arrested for hacking into President Correa’s personal information – was released as a result of a request made by head of state during his N 299 “Enlace Ciudadano” program.

Ecuadorian radio programme cancelled after contentious interview
Journalist Andrés Carrión was notified that his program “Regresando con Andrés Carrión”, broadcasted by Radio Armónica of Quito, would be cancelled. He had recently interviewed Santiago Villa, the director of a censored documentary.

Human rights guarantees in Ecuador: Protecting the State or the people?
A protective rights action is a judicial guarantee intended to redress the violation of the fundamental rights of people. However, when the State files a protective action there is a contradiction in terms.

Provincial leader sues Ecuadorian paper for “spiritual damage”
On 21 November 2012, the newspaper El Telégrafo reported on a lawsuit filed against Orlando Pérez, the paper’s director, by Salvador Quishpe, prefect of Zamora Chinchipe province, for having allegedly caused him “spiritual damage” in a 21 March article published under the title “Leader Supports Mining.”

Government broadcasts in Ecuador used as tool to counter dissent
The use of broadcasted government “cadenas” to spread the official messages of the State is also an instrument of attack against the media that is not pro-government and their allies, who are described as “opponents” for thinking differently, according to Fundamedios.