Articles by Fundamedios – Andean Foundation for Media Observation and Study

Court rules Ecuadorian paper must apologise to government
A court decision has ruled that La Hora infringed on the government’s constitutional right to protection from “the dissemination of inexact or unproven information”, according to IPI, for the paper’s 10 October report on the administration spending “over US $71 million on official advertising since January”.

Judges order definitive closure of radio station in Ecuador
A tribunal at the Guayas Court of Justice confirmed the withdrawal of Radio Morena FM’s broadcasting license, in Guayaquil, after declaring unfounded the appeal presented by the Almorán company, which operates the radio station.

Deterioration of press freedom in Ecuador causes international concern
Restrictive legal measures that limit freedom of expression and the stigmatizing and intimidating discourse against media outlets and journalists from the highest levels of power are some of the issues that cause most concern to international organizations that defend freedom of expression.

Journalist threatened after gang investigation airs in Ecuador
Nathaly Toledo, a journalist and newscaster for TV station Teleamazonas, reported via Twitter that she received death threats after presenting a report on drugs and weapons found in a school in the coastal city of Guayaquil and their links to gangs.

Ecuadorian government uses radio messages to discredit private media
A radio ‘cadena’ interrupted for approximately six and a half minutes news programs on the radio stations with the highest ratings, in an attempt to discredit the work of Fundamedios and assert that certain media outlets do not comply with labor laws.

Ecuadorian newspaper targeted over readers’ critical comments
Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa has ratified a request calling on “El Comercio” to hand over the names of readers who have posted critical comments on its webpage.

Ecuador limits use of phrases, constraining public debate
Since July of this year, the terms “30S”, “30-S” and “Prohibido olvidar” (Don’t Forget) have become the exclusive property of the government, after the Ecuadorian Institute of Intellectual Property (IEPI) accepted the registration of these phrases, in effect until May 2022.

Ecuadorian court fines newspaper, media cannot report sentence
A judge for Children and Adolescents, sentenced the newspaper El Universo‘s director, Carlos Pérez Barriga, with a US$500 fine for publishing a photograph of the underage children of Assembly members Abdalá Bucaram Pulley and Gabriela Pazmiño in the company of President Rafael Correa.