Articles by Fundamedios – Andean Foundation for Media Observation and Study

Ecuadorian magazine fined $80,000 for opinion article
An Electoral Tribunal has sanctioned Vistazo magazine with an 80 thousand dollar fine because it found the editorial entitled “Un NO Rotundo” (An Emphatic NO) – about questions posed in the Popular Consultation and Referendum of 7 May 2011 – to be “electoral propaganda”.

Intruders threaten newspaper journalist in Ecuador
On Sunday 23 September 2012, journalist Alejandro Escudero, of the weekly paper Independiente of the city of Nueva Loja, Amazon province in Sucumbíos, was threatened by two unidentified persons who, much to his surprise, burst into the paper’s office.

Report explores access to information requests in Ecuador
To determine the levels of compliance among State institutions covered by the Transparency and Access to Public Information Law, Fundamedios presented 40 requests for access to information addressed to the Presidency, Vice-presidency and the various Ministries and State Secretariats.

Ecuadorian journalists harassed in court and on the street
A court in Loja sentenced journalist Freddy Aponte to five years in prison after ratifying a first instance conviction that found him guilty of bankruptcy fraud in a lawsuit initiated by the former mayor of Loja, Bolívar Castillo. The journalist failed to pay a fine in a previous trial for moral damage.

Ecuadorian investigative journalist takes leave after her safety is threatened
Journalist Jeanette Hinostroza confirmed publicly that she has received threats against her security and physical safety and announced that she would take a temporary leave from the Teleamazonas news and interview program “La Mañana de 24 Horas”, as a preventive measure.

Asylum for Assange in Ecuador boosts free expression debate
After the government of Rafael Correa announced it would grant political asylum to Julian Assange, the founder of Wikileaks, the issue of freedom of expression in Ecuador has been the focus of many news pieces in the media all over the world.

“El Universo” correspondent gets death threats in Ecuador
Journalist Antonio Medrano, the El Universo correspondent in the city of Babahoyo, received threatening phone calls from unidentified persons, warning him that he could be killed.

United States grants political asylum to persecuted Ecuadorian columnist
On 30 August 2012, Emilio Palacio, former opinion editor of the newspaper El Universo, announced that the government of the United States has granted him political asylum after the paper’s directors were sentenced to three years in prison and the payment of 40 million dollars to Rafael Correa as reparations.