Articles by Fundamedios – Andean Foundation for Media Observation and Study

State newspaper editor-in-chief receives death threats after publishing criticisms
Orlando Pérez, editor-in-chief and feature writer of the state newspaper “El Telégrafo”, reported in his column that he has received several email death threats because of critical comments he made against the right wing political sector.

Government officials threaten, intimidate local journalists
The Minister of the Interior warned he may initiate legal proceedings against Teleamazonas TV station if it does not present evidence of information, allegedly voiced during its news program, stating that the police had used teargas bombs during the marches that took place in Quito.

Government media personnel prevented from covering indigenous movement march
Máximo Barba, a correspondent for Ecuador TV, was physically assaulted and prevented from covering an indigenous march as it passed through the city of Ambato.

Newspaper owner attacked by athlete
In the accusation filed before the town prosecutor’s office, Javier Granados detailed that Samuel Rivera hit him several times and attempted to strangle him, but was stopped by several people who were nearby.

Authors’ attorney rejects offer of pardon from president
Ramiro Aguilar, the journalists’ lawyer, stated in a writ presented before the Second Civil Division of the Court of Justice of Pichincha, that “there can be no pardon in this case, because there is no outstanding obligation to pay”.

Camera operator attacked during anti-drug trafficking operation
Relatives of people detained by police threw stones at the TV station’s vehicle, hitting and injuring journalist Geovanny Vinueza.

Environmental activists detained for demonstrating against mining
Eight women were violently evicted from the Chinese embassy in Quito and then detained by the Ecuadorian police when they were attempting to carry out a peaceful demonstration in protest against large-scale mining.

Fifty rights groups call on King to free Abdulhadi Al-Khawaja, whose life is at risk in prison
Fifty IFEX members and other rights groups call on the Bahrain authorities to release from prison human rights defender Abdulhadi Al-Khawaja, whose life is at risk since beginning a hunger strike on 8 February.