Articles by Fundamedios – Andean Foundation for Media Observation and Study

Authorities use national telecast to attack two journalists
The government targeted Teleamazonas journalists Jeanette Hinostroza and Bernardo Abad, after the two questioned the detentions of two citizens accused of attacking the president.

Amazon-based radio station closed by police
Station owner Wilson Cabrera reported that during the police operation, cables were cut and the station’s transmission equipment was removed.

President demands US$80 million in case against newspaper, directors and feature writer
Three “El Universo” directors and journalist Emilio Palacio are being accused of “malicious slander” in connection with a February 2011 article.

Thirty IFEX members call on authorities to respect and protect free expression as the country descends into further uncertainty
The implications for journalists covering demonstrations are unclear, and their ability to move around freely and safely cannot be guaranteed.

Journalists attacked and prevented from covering event by indigenous community
The group included David Torres, of Gama TV, Washington Benalcázar, a correspondent for the newspaper “El Comercio Imbabura”; Christian Tinajero, of Ecuavisa TV station; and Enrique Portilla of RTS.

Journalist receives death threat after publishing article
Antonio Medrano received a phone call from an unidentified person who threatened to kill him, saying he would have to “face the consequences” for an article he published about constant complaints from Provincial Transportation Council users.

Sports journalists harassed by football fans
Fans of the Portoviejo University Sports League shouted obscenities and lunged at Pedro Anibal Fernández, Ramón Morales Verduga and Héctor Barre after a football match.

President files US$10 million lawsuit against two investigative journalists
Juan Carlos Calderón and Christian Zurita are being sued over their book “Gran Hermano”, an investigation into contracts signed between the president’s brother and the State.