Articles by Fundamedios – Andean Foundation for Media Observation and Study

Ecuadorian journalist’s home graffitied after writing article critical of government
Ivonne Guzmán, a journalist for El Comercio, said she believed the message could be related to her most recent article in which she questioned the high cost of living in Ecuador.

A third social media manager gets death threats in Ecuador
According to its manager, “Ecuatorianos en el ring” – which has Facebook, Twitter and YouTube accounts – has been known for being an apolitical page that shows videos complaining about various topics.

Ecuadorian court rescinds libel sentence against politician and journalist
On 23 March 2015, the Criminal Division of the National Court of Justice rescinded the sentence imposed on former assembly member Cléver Jiménez, and his adviser, journalist Fernando Villavicencio, for libel against President Rafael Correa.

What is the purpose of Guatemala’s anti media terrorism foundation?
In the midst of few guarantees for the safety of journalists in Guatemala, authorities are endorsing the creation of a body that may further increase the vulnerability of freedom of the press.

Journalists assaulted during protests over government policies in Ecuador
On 19 March 2015, during a national day of demonstrations by various social sectors to protest against government policies,many members of the press, including the Teleamazonas and Gama TV news teams were attacked.

Groups hope Uruguay’s media law will become model in Latin America
The adoption of the Law of Audiovisual Communication Services promotes democratisation of the media and the effective exercise of freedom of expression in Uruguay.

Inter-American Commission agrees to rule on case that saw Ecuadorian paper handed $40 million fine
The Inter-American Commission on human rights has accepted a petition that alleges that the Republic of Ecuador was responsible for violations of legal safeguards, freedom of thought and expression, and a request for legal protection, in a 2012 case against newspaper El Universo.

Ecuadorian TV station fined for showing “morbid” content
Canal Uno was fined US$ 10,200 for allegedly violating multiple articles of the Communications Law, concerning the reporting of restricted information about children, teenagers and ethical standards.