Articles by Global Voices Advox
Egypt: Rasha Azab and her friends – seven days off-script for three Egyptian women journalists
Three women journalists staged a sit-in in the middle of a global climate summit to draw awareness about Egypt’s thousands of political prisoners.
“In Ecuador, disinformation has spread like a fungus,” says investigative journalist
Arturo Torres investigates how disinformation moves in Ecuador. He uncovered 13 simultaneous disinformation campaigns driven by political interests, with the goal of weakening the government of then-president Lenin Moreno.
More African governments using technology to advance political interests
Some African governments are colluding with tech companies to expand their repression through digital technologies while stripping citizens of their online and offline rights.
El Salvador’s Pegasus spyware case left uninvestigated ten months later
Ten months ago, Access Now and the Citizen Lab confirmed that several journalists were targeted with the use of NSO Group’s Pegasus spyware on a massive scale in El Salvador.
Papua New Guinea’s new media rules could undermine the work of journalists
Media groups urged the government to work closely with the press and promote the public’s right to information.
North Macedonia journalist organizations condemn verbal attack against female journalist
Journalist Ilinka Iljoska was threatened by employees of a state enterprise for public cleaning, after she photographed some of the garbage in a park near her home.
Solomon Islands threatens to block ‘disrespectful’ foreign journalists from entering the country
The prime minister’s office of the Solomon Islands has criticized a media report tackling China’s rising influence in the country as biased and racist, as it threatens to block “disrespectful” foreign journalists from entering the country.
Iran: Women rights activists face new online threats
Why Big Tech companies need to do more for Iranian women’s rights defenders being targeted online.