Articles by Globe International Center

State investigator files criminal lawsuit against TV9 channel
The TV station and an investigative team are being targeted in connection with a documentary that disclosed allegations of corruption.

Twenty-nine IFEX members call for release of independent newspaper editor
Twenty-nine IFEX members have signed a letter to the Prosecutor General about the detention of editor Igor Vinyavsky, whose detention is believed to be politically motivated, calling for him to be released and for the evidence leading to his arrest to be made public.

Church files lawsuit against television station, journalist
The World Mission Society Church of God filed a lawsuit against journalist J. Minjin and TV-8 after the journalist broadcast a news item about complains by former church members.

Provincial TV journalist and cameraman assaulted, camera destroyed
Journalist T. Danaasuren and cameraman J. Tuvshintulga were assaulted while covering incidents between small local mining entrepreneurs and guards from the “Special Mines” company.

Publicist and his wife ordered to pay compensation to minister for defamation
The couple was found guilty of “insulting the reputation” of the Minister of Nature, Environment and Tourism, Mr. L. Gansukh, by the Sukhbaatar District Court.

Seventy-seven civil society organisations call on UN to recognise importance of access to information and a free media to sustainable development
Prior to the UN summit of world leaders in Rio in June 2012 (Rio+20) to discuss the environment and sustainable development goals, 77 civil society organisations recommend the adoption of national laws on access to information, public participation and access to justice in the environment, a new UN convention on access to environmental information, and a UN Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).

Judge dismisses lawsuit against journalist
The district court judge in the case noted that Bolormaa Damdinsuren did not purposefully defame the company director and therefore the case could no longer be considered a criminal lawsuit.

Urge authorities to release jailed editor
Renowned author and “Ulaanbaatar Times” editor Chuluunbaatar Dolgor has been denied bail nine times since his arrest in March 2011. There is serious concern for his health and well-being in prison. Add your voice in support of his release on bail via this online form or on Facebook and Twitter. Click here for more.