Human Rights Watch

Articles by Human Rights Watch

Hong Kong: 47 lawmakers, activists face unfair trial

After the lifting of a media ban, the public learned that Hong Kong authorities have filed charges against 47 former lawmakers, unionists, academics, and activists due to their peaceful political activities.

Saudi Arabia: Activist Salma Al-Shehab sentenced to 34 years for tweets

The outrageous sentence – believed to be the longest ever imposed on a Saudi woman for her peaceful online expression – is an indicator that Saudi leadership is ramping up repression, as it emerges from diplomatic isolation.

Tajikistan: Autonomous region protesters denied fair trials

Dozens who were detained during May 2022 protests are facing closed, unfair trials on serious charges – often without access to lawyers or the evidence against them.

Brazil: Indigenous rights under serious threat

An official tasked with presiding over FUNAI, asked the federal police to investigate APIB, Brazil’s main coalition of Indigenous organizations, after it criticized the government. He also requested an investigation of an Indigenous leader and that the intelligence agency “monitor” the activities of the Indigenous people the leader belongs to.

“They’ll get you, no matter what” – Morocco’s ‘playbook’ masks worsening repression

Authorities use underhanded tactics to silence critical activists and journalists.

Sri Lanka: Heightened crackdown on dissent

Human Rights Watch noted that intimidation, surveillance, and arbitrary arrests of demonstrators, civil society activists, lawyers, and journalists are continuing under Sri Lanka’s new government.

Pride month in Turkey: Homophobia and resistance

While thousands of LGBTQI+ people took to the streets to celebrate Pride in June, Turkish authorities responded by attacking rights activists, lawyers, and journalists. According to LGBTQI+ rights group Kaos GL, they also arrested 530 people.

International Court of Justice rejects Myanmar objections to genocide case

The court decision allows the case to proceed on the merits to examine the genocide allegations against Myanmar’s military forces.