Articles by Instituto Prensa y Sociedad

Perú: Simpatizante de inhabilitado alcalde agrede a reportera
English version follows Perú: Simpatizante de inhabilitado alcalde agrede a reportera El 29 de mayo de 2012, la periodista Ana Paula Cabrejos Ucañay, reportera del portal web El, sufrió un arrebato de su cámara e insultos de parte de una simpatizante del alcalde de la Municipalidad Provincial de Chiclayo, Roberto Torres Gonzales, recientemente sentenciado […]

Perú: Regidor oficialista agrede a videorreportero
Perú: Government party councilman attacks video reporter On 28 May 2012, journalist Daniel Vera Vera, video reporter for Expresión TV – Channel 21, was attacked by government party councilman Marco Arrascue Pasapera when he was attempting to interview the provincial mayor of Chiclayo, Alberto Torres, in the midst of a violent council session dealing with […]

Perú: Dos sujetos agreden a periodista por supuesta orden de político y policía los identifica
English version follows Perú: Dos sujetos agreden a periodista por supuesta orden de político y policía los identifica El 23 de mayo de 2012, el periodista Magno Nava Flores, director y conductor del noticiero “Huari Informa” de Radio y TV Huari, de la provincia del mismo nombre, fue agredido a golpes y despojado de una […]

Journalist shot in leg after threat from mayor’s office
Ramiro Muñoz Terrones, who had been threatened a few days earlier by an official who is the mayor’s right hand man, suffered a bad wound on his calf as a result of the shooting, which he says was an attempt to intimidate him.

Perú: Regidores oficialistas prohíben ingreso de periodistas a sesión de consejo
English version follows Perú: Regidores oficialistas prohíben ingreso de periodistas a sesión de consejo El 21 de mayo de 2012, periodistas de diversos medios de comunicación fueron impedidos por una decisión de la mayoría de regidores seguidores del alcalde Alberto Torres, de ingresar a la Municipalidad Provincial de Chiclayo, donde pretendían cubrir una sesión de […]

Newspaper director and editor receive e-mail death threats
The journalists believe the death threats are a response to the newspaper’s position regarding the presence of some consultants, officials and a group of powerful businessmen close to Mayor Zevallos.

Journalist receives death threat from alderman
Journalist Bequer Bejarano Valdivia, director of Channel 35 program Alerta, reported to the governor of Huánuco that he has received death threats from an alderman in the municipality, Clever Zevallos Fretel.

Court acquits alleged masterminds of journalist’s murder
The Third Criminal Court issued the definitive sentence in the trial of the 2004 murder of journalist Alberto Rivera Fernández, acquitting the former mayor of Coronel Portillo, Luis Valdez Villacorta, and his former municipal administrator, Solio Ramírez Garay, both previously accused of being the masterminds behind the crime.