Articles by Instituto Prensa y Sociedad

Perú: Retienen videocámara a reportero que quiso grabar reunión de mineros y campesinos
English version follows Perú: Retienen videocámara a reportero que quiso grabar reunión de mineros y campesinos El 15 de abril de 2012, Juan Lara Salazar, reportero de Mega Visión TV, fue despojado de su cámara de video por personal de seguridad de la minera Yanacocha cuando iba a registrar una reunión que se desarrollaba en […]

Joint submission to UN Universal Periodic Review
ARTICLE 19, APRODEH, IPYS and Suma Ciudadana note that during the first UPR cycle, the Peruvian Government received a number of recommendations related to freedom of expression issues.

Perú: Postergan por cuarta vez lectura de sentencia a periodista
English version follows Perú: postergan por cuarta vez lectura de sentencia a periodista El 12 de abril de 2012, el periodista Marcos Pfluker Núñez, director de la revista “Promocionando Magdalena”, vio postergada una vez más la lectura de la sentencia a una querella sobre presunta difamación agravada que le interpuso hace dos años y medio […]

Perú: Difunden en radioemisora comunicado insultante contra comunicador
English version follows Perú: Difunden en radioemisora comunicado insultante contra comunicador El 9 de abril de 2012, el comunicador de Radio y TV La Exitosa, Enrique Maeda Asencio denunció en su programa la emisión de un comunicado insultante en su contra, difundido por una radio local, y dejó entrever que el responsable sería el empresario […]

Journalist warned about potential attack
Lenin Quevedo Bardález, news editor of the digital newspaper “Voces”, reported in one of his articles that he may be the victim of an attempt on his life by police officers who were involved in a robbery and whom he had named in a previous article.

Journalist’s work censored after newspaper is pressured by advertiser
Jorge Pereyra Díaz’s weekly column, “A Fuego Lento”, often criticized the Yanacocha company and the Conga mining project that the company is in charge of. A newspaper executive told him unexpectedly that his contributions would not be published any more.

Radio Campesina in Cajamarca closed temporarily, doubts over motive
Some of Radio Campesina’s journalists, who preferred not to reveal their names, told IPYS that the real motive for the station’s closure is to pressure some of the programs not to broadcast certain types of news.

Journalist attacked after reporting on police officers
Oscar David Rodríguez Martínez believes the attack is connected to his reports about a group of police officers who are being prosecuted for their alleged connection to criminal mafias.