Instituto Prensa y Sociedad

Articles by Instituto Prensa y Sociedad

Link to: Electoral official manhandles journalist

Electoral official manhandles journalist

(IPYS/IFEX) – On the morning of October 31, 2005, José Calero Luis, a journalist for Antena 31 television station, was insulted and thrown out of the offices of the National Office for Electoral Processes (Oficina Nacional de Procesos Electorales, ONPE) in Huánuco by the head of that body, Marco Antonio Montalvo Torres, and other personnel. […]

Link to: Radio journalist stalked

Radio journalist stalked

(IPYS/IFEX) – On 26 October 2005, journalist Róger Chávez Neyra, of Radio Solidaridad station, told IPYS that in recent days he has been followed by individuals both on foot and in cars. The journalist is based in the city of Uchiza, Tocache, in the San Martín region, northeastern Peru. Chávez said the stalking may be […]

Link to: Journalists denied access to hospital premises

Journalists denied access to hospital premises

(IPYS/IFEX) – On 21 October 2005, journalists Iralyz Muñoz, of the daily “Nueva Prensa”, Raiza Villa, of “El Diario de Guayana”, and Armando Arevalo, of “Correo del Caroní” newspaper, were denied access to the Uyapar Hospital emergency department by the security guards. The reporters were covering the case of a person who was wounded in […]

Link to: Newspaper editor insulted by protesters

Newspaper editor insulted by protesters

(IPYS/IFEX) – On 21 October 2005, Teodoro Petkoff, editor of the daily “TalCual”, was insulted by protesters while he was getting ready to present his book on the leftist movements in Venezuela, titled “Dos Izquierdas” (“Two Lefts”). The incident occurred in Maturín, capital of the eastern state of Monagas. Approximately thirty people, presumably supporters of […]

Link to: Journalist fears for her safety after receiving more threats

Journalist fears for her safety after receiving more threats

(IPYS/IFEX) – On 23 October 2005, Julia Saldaña, a journalist for “La Republica” group of newspapers, said she was feeling under threat after receiving several text messages which warn that she will be discredited “by an invasion into her private life.” In recent days, a number of people who know Saldaña in Iquitos, a city […]

Link to: Newspaper director and editor sentenced to two years’ probation

Newspaper director and editor sentenced to two years’ probation

(IPYS/IFEX) – On 18 October 2005, journalists Rolando Rodrich Sarango and Luis Fernando Bahamonde Amaya, director and editor of the Trujillo-based daily “Correo”, respectively, were sentenced to two years’ probation for defamation. The verdict was announced by Judge César Ortiz Mostacero, of the Ninth Criminal Court of La Libertad region, northwestern Peru. On 22 May, […]

Link to: Journalist assaulted

Journalist assaulted

(IPYS/IFEX) – On 16 October 2005, Elías Navarro Palomino, a correspondent for the daily “Correo”, was assaulted while trying to cover the story of a drunk man who struck a police officer in Ayacucho, central Peru. The drunk man’s relatives threw stones at Navarro to stop him from reporting on the story. The journalist suffered […]

Link to: Photographer assaulted by demonstrators

Photographer assaulted by demonstrators

(IPYS/IFEX) – On the afternoon of 10 October 2005, John Jairo Bonilla García, a freelance photographer for “El Tiempo Café” newspaper, was hit on the head by a rock which rendered him unconscious. The cut required 12 stitches. The incident occurred in Pereira, Risaralda department, in western Colombia, while Bonilla was covering a demonstration by […]