Instituto Prensa y Sociedad

Articles by Instituto Prensa y Sociedad

Link to: Police officer manhandles Sao Paulo photojournalist, destroys camera

Police officer manhandles Sao Paulo photojournalist, destroys camera

(IPYS/IFEX) – On 10 August 2005, “Diario de São Paulo” photojournalist Wladimir de Souza was manhandled by police officer Antonio Honório while covering the questioning of a presumed drug trafficker at the civil police’s narcotics investigation department (Departamento de Narcóticos, DENARC, Policía Civil). The incident occurred after he photographed the detainee’s face while Honório was […]

Link to: President’s brother assaults television team

President’s brother assaults television team

(IPYS/IFEX) – At around noon (local time) on 19 August 2005, journalist Gino Márquez Álvarez and camera operator Germán Huaroto Parra, working for America Televisión’s “Cuarto Poder” public affairs programme, were assaulted by President Toledo’s brother, Luis Toledo Manrique, the latter’s son and a member of his security team. The assailants also snatched a microphone […]

Link to: IAPA concerned about multi-million-dollar lawsuit, proposed seizure of journalist’s salary

IAPA concerned about multi-million-dollar lawsuit, proposed seizure of journalist’s salary

(IAPA/IFEX) – The following is a 19 August 2005 IAPA press release: IAPA concerned at multi-million-dollar lawsuit, proposed seizure of journalist’s salary in Panama MIAMI, Florida (August 19, 2005) – The Inter American Press Association (IAPA) expressed concern today at a multi-million-dollar lawsuit filed against the newspaper Panamá América and the proposed confiscation of the […]

Link to: Authorities seize journalist’s equipment

Authorities seize journalist’s equipment

(IPYS/IFEX) – On 4 August 2005, Félix Calva Guerrero, a correspondent for Radio Santa Rosa Chirinos, was released after being kept in custody by the National Police for three days in Cerro Corazón de Jesus, Huancabamba province, in the northern region of Piura. Calva was detained while he was covering a violent protest march on […]

Link to: Journalist receives death threat for investigating murder of fellow journalist

Journalist receives death threat for investigating murder of fellow journalist

(IPYS/IFEX) – On 6 August 2005, Hugo Gonzáles Hinostroza, a reporter for the daily “Expresión” in Huaraz, northern Peru, received a phone call warning him to stop investigating the 2004 murder of journalist Antonio de La Torre, otherwise he and his family would be targeted. The journalist told IPYS that he received several calls during […]

Link to: Policía detiene a periodista durante protesta

Policía detiene a periodista durante protesta

(IPYS/IFEX) – El 1 de agosto de 2005, el periodista Julio César Vásquez Calle, corresponsal de Radio Cutivalú, fue detenido por la Policía Nacional en Cerro Corazón de Jesús, en la provincia de Huancabamba, en la región norteña de Piura, mientras cubría una violenta marcha de protesta contra la explotación minera en la zona. El […]

Link to: Police detain journalist during protest

Police detain journalist during protest

(IPYS/IFEX) – On 1 August 2005, journalist Julio César Vásquez Calle, correspondent for Radio Cutivalú, was detained by the National Police in Cerro Corazón de Jesús, Huancabamba province, Piura region, northern Perú, while covering a violent protest against a mining company operating in the area. On 2 August, General Ricardo Benavides Ramírez, commander of the […]

Link to: Journalists assaulted by squatters during eviction from seized land

Journalists assaulted by squatters during eviction from seized land

(IPYS/IFEX) – On 26 July 2005, approximately 50 local residents involved in the take over of land assaulted a group of journalists working for several of the local media in the city of Ayacucho, central Peru, as they covered an eviction operation carried out by the police. After having been forced out of Yanamilla area, […]