Articles by Instituto Prensa y Sociedad

Protesters congregate outside “Notitarde” newspaper offices, threaten to kill journalists
(IPYS/IFEX) – On the evening of 30 July 2005, around one hundred people congregated in front of the offices of the newspaper “Notitarde”, in Valencia, Carabobo State, shouting protest slogans and threatening to kill its reporters. The protesters, who said they were from La Guacamaya shanty town, scratched at the walls and warned that any […]

Municipal official attempts to murder radio journalist
(IPYS/IFEX) – On 23 July 2005, radio journalist Luis Alberto Ochoa Muñoz, director of “La Voz del Pueblo” programme, was the target of a murder attempt by Mario Ccama Chacón, municipal manager of the Santa Teresa district, Convención province, Cusco. The journalist was reporting on several criticisms that had been made of alleged administrative mismanagement […]

Sao Paulo court forces consumers’ organization to remove its report on medication tests from magazine
(IPYS/IFEX) – On 24 June 2005, “ProTeste” magazine, published by the Brazilian Association for Defence of the Consumer (Associação Brasileira de Defesa do Consumidor), was prevented by a Sao Paulo court from distributing its latest issue containing an article about the results of their tests evaluating blood pressure-stabilising medications. The ruling came in response to […]

Journalists assaulted by Iquitos airport security guard
(IPYS/IFEX) – On the morning of 15 July 2005, journalists Hector Tintaya Feria, of Radio La Voz de la Selva, and Carlos Ampuero, of Amazonica de Television-Channel 2, were assaulted by an airport security guard as they attempted to enter the arrivals area (from which the public is excluded) of the Iquitos airport, in Loreto […]

Journalist threatened by National Guard regional commander
(IPYS/IFEX) – On 20 July 2005, Yamile Jiménez Uzcategui, a correspondent for the RCTV television station, accused General Jaime Jose Escalante Hernandez, chief of the First Regional Command of the National Guard, of intimidating and threatening her. The incident occurred in the city of San Cristobal, State of Tachira, on the Colombian border. Jiménez told […]

Community television journalists assaulted during demonstration in Caracas
(IPYS/IFEX) – On 19 July 2005, Johan Pérez and Leidy Figueroa, members of the production team of community television station Catia TV, were attacked as they covered a march organised by the deans of several of the country’s public universities. The journalists were in the area known as La Hoyada, in downtown Caracas, when television […]

Porto Alegre newspaper found guilty of “insult” and defamation
(IPYS/IFEX) – On 12 July 2005, “Jornal Já” newspaper, published in Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul state, was ordered to pay a 31,600 real (approx. US$13,400) fine to Julieta Diniz Vargas Rigotto, mother of State Governor Germano Rigotto, of the Party of the Brazilian Democratic Movement (Partido do Movimento Democrático, PMDB), after a court […]

“La Ventana Indiscreta” television program director receives telephone threat
(IPYS/IFEX) – On 17 July 2005, Cecilia Valenzuela, director of the television programme “La Ventana Indiscreta”, broadcasted the recording of a threatening call she received on her mobile phone on 9 July. During the call, a woman demanded that Valenzuela stop investigating the activities of the National Police and Interior Minister Felix Murazzo, and threatened […]