Instituto Prensa y Sociedad

Articles by Instituto Prensa y Sociedad

Link to: Editor removed from his position after publishing corruption story

Editor removed from his position after publishing corruption story

(IPYS/IFEX) – On 4 April 2005, Carlos Augusto Setti, editor of the Senate’s Interlegis news service, was transferred to another position after he published a story on administrative corruption involving Senate employees. Setti’s removal from his position was exposed by the Journalist’s Union of Brasilia. The story, published on the Interlegis Web site, mentioned an […]

Link to: Journalists’ access to Caracas criminal court headquarters restricted

Journalists’ access to Caracas criminal court headquarters restricted

(IPYS/IFEX) – On 11 April 2005, bailiffs stopped journalists from entering Caracas’s main justice building, saying that they were acting on the orders of Belkis Cedeño, the new president of the Caracas Metropolitan Area Criminal Justice Circuit. The building houses the headquarters of the Caracas Metropolitan Area’s criminal court system. The reporters were forced to […]

Link to: Journalist assaulted and robbed of documents

Journalist assaulted and robbed of documents

(IPYS/IFEX) – On 12 April 2005, journalist César Hildebrandt Chávez, of the Lima-based “La Ventana Indiscreta” television programme, was assaulted by relatives of National Police Lieutenant Lady Bardales Castillo. Bardales Castillo is a member of the Government Palace security unit. Hildebrandt Chávez said he visited Bardales Castillo’s family home in Chiclayo, northern Peru, to investigate […]

Link to: Director of weekly accused of extortion

Director of weekly accused of extortion

(IPYS/IFEX) – On 31 March 2005, the lawyer for San Agustín University (UNSA) rector Rolando Cornejo Cuervo accused journalist Mabel Cáceres of extortion. Cáceres, the director of the weekly “El Búho”, based in the southern Arequipa region, has been subjected to harassment, including death threats and anonymous smear campaigns, since she revealed a series of […]

Link to: Journalist forced to flee Tocache after receiving death threat

Journalist forced to flee Tocache after receiving death threat

(IPYS/IFEX) – On 5 April 2005, Miguel Ángel Carpio Tananta, a reporter for the “El Informe” television programme and Radio Marginal station in Tocache, San Martín region, northeastern Peru, was forced to flee the city after being warned of a plan to assassinate him. According to the warning, the order to kill him came from […]

Link to: Real estate agencies accused of buying up copies of newspaper containing controversial story

Real estate agencies accused of buying up copies of newspaper containing controversial story

(IPYS/IFEX) – The daily “O Estado de São Paulo” has publicly accused real estate agencies in Ilhabela, on the north coast of São Paulo state, of trying to stop the circulation of the paper’s 23 March 2005 edition, which ran a story about the irregular sale of land protected by environmental laws. Newsstand owners in […]

Link to: Security guards use excessive force in ejecting journalists from dump site

Security guards use excessive force in ejecting journalists from dump site

(IPYS/IFEX) – On 15 March 2005, security guards at a public garbage dump in the town of Taubaté, São Paulo state, threatened and beat up Paulo Tarso Venceslau, director of “Contato” newspaper, and reporter Alan Brito after they tried to collect information regarding people that work and live illegally in the area, which is managed […]

Link to: Journalist shot twice in Santa Catarina state

Journalist shot twice in Santa Catarina state

(IPYS/IFEX) – On 23 March 2005, journalist Maurício Melato Barth, owner of the local newspaper “Infobairros”, was shot twice in front of his home, in the Meia Praia neighborhood of Itapema, Santa Catarina state. Two unidentified men aimed their guns at Barth’s legs and shot him twice before walking away. According to police officer Ecil […]