Instituto Prensa y Sociedad

Articles by Instituto Prensa y Sociedad

Link to: Leader of drug trafficking ring threatens to kill journalist

Leader of drug trafficking ring threatens to kill journalist

(IPYS/IFEX) – On 27 September 2004, radio journalist Larrin Pacherres García received a death threat from Pascual Pérez, alias “Lito”, the leader of a drug trafficking ring. Pérez threatened Pacherres after learning that the journalist had initiated a media campaign to, together with local residents and police, eradicate drug trafficking in the El Porvenir neighbourhood […]

Link to: Journalist harassed by regional government officials

Journalist harassed by regional government officials

(IPYS/IFEX) – Journalist Giovanni Acate, director of Radio Oriente in the city of Yurimaguas, Loreto region, northeastern Perú, says he has been harassed by Alto Amazonas Subregional Administration officials after having reported on irregularities in the construction of the Santa Cruz district’s electrical grid. The harassment took place at the end of August 2004. According […]

Link to: Camera operator and assistant assaulted

Camera operator and assistant assaulted

(IPYS/IFEX) – On 17 September 2004, a group of protesters assaulted camera operator Alberto Almao and his assistant, Víctor Henríquez, in Caracas. Almao and Henríquez, who work for Globovisión television station, were covering a demonstration by employees of Misión Ribas, a government-sponsored education programme. The Misión Ribas employees were demanding payment of wages owed to […]

Link to: Journalist assaulted by mayor’s bodyguard

Journalist assaulted by mayor’s bodyguard

(IPYS/IFEX) – On 22 August 2004, journalist Edgar Ccari Mamani, host of the “Azángaro al día” programme on Radio Sur Andina station, was assaulted by one of Azángaro Mayor Percy Ludeña’s bodyguards after an event celebrating the city’s anniversary. Azángaro is located in the Puno region, southeastern Perú. Ccari Mamani said he was leaving the […]

Link to: Sub-prefecture fails to respond to journalist’s request for protection

Sub-prefecture fails to respond to journalist’s request for protection

(IPYS/IFEX) – The Sub-prefecture of Huaraz province, in the Ancash region, northeastern Peru, has for three months failed to respond to journalist Percy Ángeles Zimic’s request for protection. Ángeles Zimic received a death threat on 9 June 2004. After receiving no response from the Sub-prefecture, on 26 August Ángeles Zimic forwarded his request to the […]

Link to: Journalist detained by National Guard officers

Journalist detained by National Guard officers

(IPYS/IFEX) – On 1 September 2004, journalist Jenny Velasco was detained by National Guard (Guardia Nacional, GN) officers, in Falcón state, western Venezuela. The journalist was covering an eviction in the Los Semerucos neighbourhood, where employees of the state petroleum company and their families live. Velasco, a correspondent in Falcón for Unión Radio Noticias and […]

Link to: Journalist assassinated

Journalist assassinated

(IPYS/IFEX) – Mauro Marcano, a 55-year-old journalist and politician, was killed on the morning of 1 September 2004. The assassination took place in the city of Maturín, Monagas state, eastern Venezuela. Marcano hosted an opinion programme on Radio 1.080 AM station. He was leaving his home when two unidentified men shot him in the head […]

Link to: Three journalists attacked in Cajamarca

Three journalists attacked in Cajamarca

(IPYS/IFEX) – At approximately 3:00 p.m. (local time) on 2 September 2004, three journalists were attacked while they covering a protest against the Yanacocha mining company. The incident occurred at the Quilish farm, Cajamarca region, northern Peru. About 2,000 local residents and members of civil defence committees, armed with sticks and stones, entered the mining […]